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Immediate results don't usually work out as well as some tell you they do.

She says she can get you results, but will you really want the results she's going to get you?

by Solid Mantis July 17, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Something an Italian would say to an Italian, or that a non Italian would say to an Italian, or that an Italian would say to a non Italian, but not something a non Italian would say to another non Italian.

Frank- Ciao.
Richie- You might have spent a lot of time with the Italians Frank, but they're not your people, neither are the micks. Saying Ciao to me isn't progress, I'm wondering why you're talking like that, and if I'm going to have to start talking weird to be speaking your language too.

by Solid Mantis April 10, 2021

Trojan rabbit

Like a trojan horse, except a rabbit.

Not everybody was in town when a few of the Greeks came bearing the Trojan rabbit, since at least a few of the people that weren't there wouldn't accept a Trojan rabbit if they had been there.

by Solid Mantis January 25, 2021

Tough love

Tough love is not going around trying show people how heavy handed you are, people who do that are bullshit. Tough love comes from the same thing compassion comes from, the difference is tough love doesn't take it easy on anybody.

There's a difference between showing tough love to somebody and trying to silence or kill anybody who doesn't see things your way because you dont like the way they think, that's not tough love, its bullshit.

by Solid Mantis April 10, 2020

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Tough love

Compassion might make somebody feel better, but without tough love nothing will actually get done.

Tough love is as effective as compassion.

by Solid Mantis May 19, 2021

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Crystal methodist

Smokes crystal meth all night Saturday so they will be up and ready to go to church on Sunday. May smoke crystal meth more often than Saturday, possibly every day, but will never be seen smoking crystal meth by a fellow member of their congregation and will deny use of crystal meth if confronted by atheists, drug users, former addicts, or people who don't care in order to look like a pure, white clean Methodist saint. Some of the churches these folks go to ought to be called united methheadist church.

Cletus lived by the principles of his crystal Methodist religion.

by Solid Mantis August 8, 2016

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


People that talk about a revolution often don't usually want anything but to counter any resistance, and provoke people. There's not much sense in buying in to the hype, since the only relevant revolution is the one where the planet spins around the sun.

Any revolution in history has been overrated, since human nature hasn't changed much since the beginning of humans. Nothing changes when a new year begins, and nothing needs to. Sometimes things are as good as they are going to get.

by Solid Mantis February 3, 2021