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When one basketball gets wedgied on the hoop, and so you shoot another ball at it, and happen to somehow make both balls.

Me: Dude, Michael. Did you see Doug the other day? He nailed the elusive double-bitch.
Michael: Damn. Doug is a real hooper.

by Somewhat Schizo September 14, 2021


A chick who says she can sing Christina Aguilera songs but can't.

Doug: Dude, Michael, You shoulda seen karoake at the bar last night. This chick was an Aguiliar

by Somewhat Schizo September 20, 2021


An onomatopoeia you say to insinuate somebody is whipped.

Me: Hey, Juan. Come hang out at the arcade with me tomorrow.

Juan: I can't, man. The wife wants me to take her dad to the airport tomorrow.
Me: Whapeesh. (Makes whipping gesture with my hand)

by Somewhat Schizo April 26, 2022


Slang for cognac.

Me: Yo Mike, Dougie's comin over tonight. We gon be sippin on that Cogney. You in?
Mike: Hell yeah. I love Henny.

by Somewhat Schizo June 27, 2023


Another way to say "like a bitch."

Me: Man, Michael. When Doug accidentally hit me right in the nuts yesterday with his basketball, that hurt bitchly.

Michael: Damn. And I though he was a real hooper.

by Somewhat Schizo September 14, 2021


The craving to be peed on.

She had the yearnation so I had to R. Kelly her.

by Somewhat Schizo October 29, 2022

noob character

A character specifically designed to be easier or more spammy for newer players in a fighting game.

Me: Man, Strider Hiryu, Wolverine, Cyclops, Magneto, Jin, and Captain Commando are such noob characters.

Doug: Don't forget M. Bison, Akuma, Ryu, Ken, and Guile.

Michael: Man. You guys are good at fighting games and hoopin? Come on,

by Somewhat Schizo September 14, 2021