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My Covida

The person you chose to spend the lockdown period with.

1) After the lockdown, I decided to marry My Covida as we never rowed, and the sex just got better.

2) My Covida drove me mad for the last three months, and as soon as the lockdown ended, I kicked her out the house!

by Sonny Saint June 26, 2020


The unexpected pleasant feeling of warmth upon sitting down somewhere that was recently taken up, or occupied.

Anthea revelled in a pre-buttocks moment when the door to the Ladies finally opened, and she sat down on on a lovely heated toilet seat.

Junior gave up his seat on the subway to an older man, who sat down and thanked him for his lovely pre-buttockx moment.

by Sonny Saint April 22, 2020


Surprisingly brilliant

The ending of Lie of Duty was chiss
Despite what people said, Meghan was actually chiss

by Sonny Saint May 3, 2021


Dressing for a good appearance, but only from the waist up.

Anthea was upper-dressing preparing herself for an international video conference, wearing a smart business top and pyjama bottoms.

Mark modelled his fabulous new sunglasses for the cover of a well known fashion magazine. He was only wearing a red thong on the rest of his body, clearly upper-dressing.

The news reader for was upper dressing with an exceptionally smart jacket, pristine white shirt, black tie, and absolutely nothing else apart from a pair of flip flops.

by Sonny Saint April 22, 2020


This is someone that does a little jolt or trip, or dance even, when an escalator isn’t working, but the person that gets on it acts as if it is moving normally.

Anthea nearly landed on the chap walking down in front of her when she did an Esca-Skate going down to the subway.

by Sonny Saint April 10, 2020


This is someone that does a little jolt or trip, or dance even, when an escalator isn’t working, but the person that gets on it acts as if it is moving normally.

Anthea nearly landed on the chap walking down in front of her when she did an Esca-Skate going down to the subway.

by Sonny Saint April 10, 2020


Work, business, deals that were done during lockdown.

- My accountant did plenty of cobiz during lockdown preparing all the tax returns!

- The Rockstar didn't do any cobiz during lockdown because his world tour had to be postponed, however he did write his new album which will hopefully result in great sales later on. Thaaaaaaaaats cobiz!

by Sonny Saint June 30, 2020