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Man's best friend


A woman's breasts are man's best friend.

by Southern Threat December 1, 2020

28👍 12👎

Short Shorts

What women wear to show off their ass.
Also used while twerking.

Guy 1- "I saw Lisa in short shorts the other day."
Guy 2- "Was her ass hanging out?"
Guy 1- "Hell yeah! When she saw me looking at it she started twerking!"
Guy 2- "Damn, I wish I had been there."

by Southern Threat December 2, 2020

11👍 6👎

Triple Threat

Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia

Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia are a triple threat, don't mess with them during football season.

by Southern Threat January 27, 2021

1👍 1👎

Skinny dip

To swim with no clothes on. More fun when done with people of the opposite sex.

I asked Melissa if she would go skinny dipping with me, she said yes.

by Southern Threat December 4, 2020

16👍 8👎