Source Code


Abbreviation of Artificial Intellegence. Never correctly understood by Caboose (from Red vs. Blue)

"A...I...What does the A stand for?"
"...what does the I..."
"Ooooohhh!!!What was the A again?"
-"Let's move on."
-"Shut up Caboose."

by Speaker for the Dead June 1, 2004

339👍 149👎


Pink*The New Red!

Donut's favorite color.

"My armor's not pink. You guys are colorblind. It's more of a lightish red."
"Guess what? They already have a color for lightish red. You know what its called? Pink!"

by Speaker for the Dead June 1, 2004

673👍 470👎


The name of the alter-ego aggressive AI that inhabited the bodies of Tex, Caboose, and now Doc.

"I told you, my name's not Caboose... my name's... O'malley..."

by Speaker for the Dead June 1, 2004

81👍 40👎

Sniper Rifle

The gun that Tucker never gets to use.

"Hey! You've got the f***ing sniper rifle, I can't see sh**!..."
"How come I never get the f***ing sniper rifle?"
"You know what would be a good easter egg? If I got the godd*** sniper rifle."
"I bet I could see better if I had that sniper rifle..."

by Speaker for the Dead June 1, 2004

83👍 36👎