Source Code


Broadband, or landline-based Fibre (FTTC, FTTP, xDSL, Cable) communication that is faster than the usual ADSL ~8 Mbps variants offered.

Usually a Fibre Broadband connection of 30 Mbps+.

So called because it's faster for streaming tonnes of HD Porn - hence the term "pornband"

John just got some juicy BT Infinity pornband installed - he'll be in there for hours now!

by Spoofnet January 13, 2013

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cape canaveral

A phrase muttered in a drunken stupor when something goes well, and by well, i mean putting my seatbelt on.

Seatbelt clips in

by Spoofnet July 27, 2006

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Fake chemical compunds that can apparently reduce wrinkles in the skin and make it look smoother, younger and healthier (i.e. a load of bullshit, or a quick substitution for some hydrochloric acid to burn those wrinkles off).

New Oil of Spewlay! With pentapeptides, it almost sounds like we made it in a lab, instead of mixing some mayonnaise up with other crap we could find.

by Spoofnet April 3, 2006

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podge potential

A phrase used to describe someone who, will looking physically attractive at their current age, and state of life, is likely to get fatter in a few years time - if they were to settle down.

Typically used to describe attractive women who look like they'll "let it all go" the minute they're in any hint of a serious relationship.

Amelia Lilly is hot, but she's got a lot of podge potential - not sure I would.

by Spoofnet December 14, 2011

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A word said, usually in a loud and inappropriate way, to or about a female who is particularly unattractive, and hence would be refunded if she were given as a present.

Man: Look at her! F*cking, REFUND!

by Spoofnet December 24, 2007

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