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Will Smithing

A sexual act between consenting adults where the one partner slaps the face of the other partner and then sits down and yells "Get my dick in your mother fucking mouth".

Dude 1 - She seems open to a little S&M.

Dude 2 - Oh yeah, we do a little Will Smithing to mix it up a bit and keep it exciting.

by Spudsy G April 8, 2022

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Noun, adjective - A lifestyle of the highest pleasures. An easy life of wealth and privilege. Usually preceded by "life of", as in life of Klingele. Sometimes abbreviated as LOK.

Lucky ass punk won the lotto. He is living the life of Klingele now.

He is on vacation, that is LOK for that dude.

by Spudsy G April 23, 2008

180πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The sticky drippings on your hand when using a self service soda fountain. Usually drips from the neighboring flavor spigot or more likely, drips onto your hand from the spigot you are using as you remove the cup of soda. Will most likely run down hand to sleeve if wearing a white shirt on way to work or social function.

Big Gulp machines at 7-11s are notorious for dripping such glomus on the hands of patrons who then wipe it with a napkin by the hot dogs and leave the napkin laying on the counter.

"AARRRRRGH! This Diet Coke glomus just dripped onto my white coat. I look like a damn dalmation."

"Get yourself a Big Gulp but make sure to wipe any glomus off of your hands before you get in my car."

by Spudsy G November 24, 2013


noun, adjective - abbreviation for Life of Klingele. An easy or lucky life. The good life. On easy street.

Sucka got a big ass raise. LOK for that sumbitch.

by Spudsy G April 23, 2008

295πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž


The possibility that a person will end up working a stripper pole at some time in his/her life.

Certain factors in a young person's life can add to chances that the person will end up in the sex trade industry. A bad experience in Catholic school, broken families, inbreeding, drug addiction and general sluttishness can all be early indicators of a high poletential for a sleazy future.

Those skanky looks give her a high poletential.

Her daddy abandoning her has left her with serious poletential.

Every hit of meth is increasing her poletential by a factor of 2.

by Spudsy G March 26, 2011

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An place or state of mind inhabited only by people and items that are boss or incredibly hip. A play on the words boss and the country Bosnia. An inhabitant of bossnia would listen to bangin music and wear clothes that are the shit.

Dud: Bro with the accent is groovy. He from Bossnia?

Dave: Dude is fuckin' president of Bossnia.

by Spudsy G April 23, 2008

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The "me first and me second" favorite philosophy of oppositional defiant disordered people still pissed at mom for not letting them borrow the car to drive to the Cubs game when they were 16.

The Libertarian politician wants his business to get aid but none for yours.

by Spudsy G July 9, 2020

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž