Source Code


fester is the root. a collection of festered objects

Yo dude have you seen the festerment in your kitchen sink.

Yo Pasty! There is no way I a paying for that FESTERMENT (in this case cheap and nasty restraurant food)

by Stephen M. January 1, 2005

85👍 2👎


A language developed by hackers as a way to communicate over the internet. I confused coders into thinking it was some kind of coding language, but in fact the symbols represented letters. In addition to having symbols that were confusing, they often misspelled the word in |_337 to throw them off even more.

")00) )0 '/0(_) $|O33|< |_337" means "Dude do you speak leet?"

by Stephen M. December 7, 2003

6👍 7👎