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belly button

something that looks WAY sexier without fishing tackle hanging out of it.

something too often adorned with jewelry by Trend Victims.

Did you see Amy's belly button tackle? What a fuckin' trend victim.

by Steven Holt May 17, 2007

171👍 87👎

alec baldwin

1. verb: to immaturely, wrongly lose one's mind and verbally abuse someone as a result, usually while putting on a face of angelic harmony to the world

2. verb: to pick on a defenseless child (something an old man bitch does)

3. noun: An overrated assbag actor with giant man tits who hates everyone, everything, and would kill your mom for kicks if he thought he could pull it off. He went nuts on his eleven year old daughter, and the source of the slang verb "alec baldwin". Britney Spears dad is known to go "Alec Baldwin".

Dude, Mrs. Thatcher got fired after she went Alec Baldwin on Ted's ass.

Of course I ran away from home. My dad is Alec Baldwin.

I'm an overrated dickhead douchebag, and my name is Alec Baldwin.

by Steven Holt April 21, 2007

162👍 142👎