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Femme Fatale

A French term meaning "Fatal Woman", it is used to describe a female who uses seduction and charm to ensnare men into doing their bidding or to be lured into an untimely demise. Or Both. In contemporary times it is more often used referencing movies or other works describing a seductive female character skilled in combat.

Movie Trailer: This summer, Charlie's Angels are back. And this time, these three femme fatales are reloaded, ready to kick some ass, and Ready. For. Action.

by Stingy Meatballs May 7, 2017

27👍 1👎

racial preference

Racial preference is defined as favoring or choosing one group or individual over another based on race. Ethnic preference is often tied in, but less common since ethnicity is not always as easy to discern.


Basketball Player 1: "Sheeit guess the coach had to pick and choose with them two new boys"

Basketball Player 2: "Come on, Homie. Choice was obvious. Everyone knows white boys can't jump."

Basketball Player 1" Fuck, dude. I didn't know you'd be getting all racial preference on me."

by Stingy Meatballs November 8, 2015

19👍 7👎

The West

Also known as the Western World, the West is a broad term that encapsulates a sizeable group of countries that share, albeit loosely, similar philosophical, political and economic principles and origins. Countries generally considered to be Western include the US, Canada, and various Western European countries such as Britain, France, and Germany. Values that are synonymous with the West include capitalism, democracy, consumerism, globalization, liberalism, and secularism. Most western countries have fairly developed economies, having moved from industrial manufacturing to service and retail as the main industry. The rights and liberties of citizens living in Western countries are the most extensive in the world, and are generally regarded as progressive in comparison to countries of similar economic development.

Oppressed College Graduate: I'm tired of all the injustices in my country! The West is DEFINITELY not the best!
African and Middle Easterner: Lol. *dies of civil war*

by Stingy Meatballs January 22, 2018

29👍 10👎