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Takeru Cathedral

Takeru Cathedral is an oc/created character created within the Elysium(Universe/Earth 596.) rp/rpf series created in the Kik community in 2012. Within the story of Elysium Takeru Cathedral was said to be known as the son of "The Great Merchant." . Takeru Cathedral would be known as one of the first "Practitioner's of Light" which is further explained throughout the series as the "one's who are extraordinary holding vast understanding and power". He was known to be prodigy at rpf in the first "Towairaitorifuto War" and second Towairaitorifuto War learned every strength of nature along with Martial Arts skills known asTae Kwon Do,Krav Maga,Kung Fu and Kendo. Takeru Cathedral is most known for being a Divine Foreteller which were one of the few co-founders of the Kingdom known as Divinity.He was also known sealing away Medusa Gødon a childhood friend that had been misguided by her gift of what seem to be almost unlimited brain capacity and strength causing her to declare the second Towairaitorifuto War on the Allied Nations. Takeru Cathedral was known for his light-hearted personality and respectively as a person many looked up to and still til this day his oc is still honored in the series. During his times after the war he would go on the mentor a few other known names within the series. After some time he would pass due to a cursed sickness from the second Towairaitorifuto War leaving behind his only son Kyo Cathedral.

”There comes a time where many would advise you to do one thing boy, the world is against you Mystigin, what will you perpetrate? The path of greed and power or the path of the righteous soul?”

-Takeru Cathedral

“You and your sister Mytha contain great strength and I feel you two have a bright future.”

-Takeru Cathedral

by Stories Of The Allied Nations September 30, 2021

Jako Okami

Jako Okami is an oc/created character created within the Elysium(Universe/Earth 596.) rp/rpf series created in the Kik community in 2012. Within the story of Elysium Jako Okami is apart the bloodline of the "Okami Clan" or bloodline hence his last name Okami which are the decendants of the Nephilim,Jewish and Nobunaga bloodline. Jako Okami is to be the second strongest of clan along with being the 248th weilder of the Towairaitorifuto. Being a prodigy and once before a "Practitioner's of Light" which is further explained throughout the series as the "one's who are extraordinary holding vast understanding and power." Playing a big part in the first "Towairaitorifuto War" and second Towairaitorifuto War he's shown the physical capablities of the "Okami Clan" when taking out three powerful foes at once being on of the many Legends to take down not just at a you age but as an adult to take out opponents of immense set of strengths. Jako Okami is also known to be one of the Divine Foreteller which were one of the few co-founders of the Kingdom known as Divinity. Passing away away from a sickness that plagued many people in the second Towairaitorifuto War he would be one the first people to pass into the afterlife, many say his spirit is to live on as his physical traits, strength and teachings of his clan is to still be passed down.

”We are the embodiment of physical strength, faith and justice my beautiful blossom and one day Jynx you'll be the very key to the future of the next generation.”

-Jako Okami

by Stories Of The Allied Nations October 18, 2021