Source Code

Carmichael Dave

When you're fucking a chick in the ass and right before you cum she looks back at you with fangled ass teeth. You then realize that this is no chick, but a man! After completion, the man continues to call you non-stop, asking ridiculously long questions.

Guy #1: Yo dude, I was fucking this chick last night!
Guy #2: Oh, Yea?
Guy #1: Yea, turns out it was Carmichael Dave. Now I'm going over on my anytime minutes...

by Street Pirates April 4, 2012

5👍 3👎

The Ron-Ron

When you are nearing completion while getting a blow-job and you pull out and empty your ejaculate (like a glazed donut) all over her dome-piece. You then immediatly throw a fist full of glitter in her face. Thus creating a glazed sprinkled donut for your visual entertainment.

Guy #1: Yo man how did it go with that chick last night?
Guy #2: I pulled "The Ron-Ron" on that chick.
Guy #1: What?
Guy #2: Yea, I glazed that bitch like a donut.
Guy #1: Word!

by Street Pirates April 9, 2012

9👍 5👎