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Alpha Afterschool

afterschool but worst
you gotta stay for a long amount of time
but worst of all you get assigned homework

Kid1: Man i gotta go to this shitty afterschool
Kid2: o that sucks ass
Kid1: na its an alpha afterschool
Kid2: good fucking luck

by Struggling Asian October 26, 2018

Asian Parents

Makes you wish that bedtime was earlier
Fucks up your self-esteem

*Note* Not all Asian parents are like this, some are actually nice and understanding.
Parents that will often call you useless, trash, garbage, brainless, stupid, etc.
They expect their children to pass every single subject.
Often forces their children to attend after school programs and summer school.
Asks for your suggestion on where to eat, but when you choose, they will change their mind of asking you for your suggestion.
Will say they love you when you do something good, but won't hesitate to say that they hate you once you fail something.
Extremely controlling, and hardly lets you hang out with friends.

Asian Parents:You got an F in math and science?!?!?!?!
Asian Kid:But its not even the end of the trimester, I still have a chance to make up my grades.
Asian Parents:Get the fuck over here!

Asian Kid:Mom, I got a A on my test!
Asian Mom:I love you, now let me check on the rest of your grades.
Asian Kid:Shit
Asian Mom:I fucking hate you, you are a worthless and stupid kid.

by Struggling Asian October 26, 2018

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