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Shakey-Finger Gun Answer

When a person has an answer to the question that is subjective, their hand shakes drastically in order to show their excitement to answer the question. This is followed by an 'I suppose' and then the answer. Another following statement is a 'Depends on the context'. Another way to get the attention from answering the question is a statement of 'ahhh-sir/ma'am'.

Teacher - "What is the answer to Question 9"
Student- *shakey-finger gun answer* "ahhhhh-sirrrr"
Teacher - "Yes (insert student)"
Student- "Oh, uh, well I suppose, that the answer to Question 9, depending on the context, is the child is in the wrong. But I suppose that it really depends on the context again, uhh, ummm."

by Student 420 March 23, 2021

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