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Mint Chocolate

One of my favourite chocolate flavours

Mint chocolate bar i ate, gotta have it more

by Suklaa May 15, 2017

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Thumb down

I wonder why there's so many down thumbed definitions

Many thumb downs here, i wonder why.

by Suklaa November 3, 2018


Abdomen so well toned it's considered fabulous

Wow look at that guy's abdomen!
-what a nice fabdomen

by Suklaa September 5, 2018

For heaven's sake

I can't believe this has not been defined here yet. Alternative to for fucks sake

Joe: i bought 1000 dollars worth of tap water.
Rick: for heaven's sake

by Suklaa July 28, 2018

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Apple product

-Hey dad i want the new Iphone
-No Mike it's iexpensive, buy Nokia or something else

by Suklaa August 31, 2018


Probably the best beer in the world

Carlsberg, probably the best beer in the world

by Suklaa May 5, 2019

I love you

You know it and i do too

I love you too

by Suklaa March 25, 2017

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž