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Before He Cheats

The name of an awful song by none other than Carrie Underwood, who might as well be the utter nadir of music. This song comprises the absolute worst music in recorded history. No words can describe the torment of listening to pop country music, including this trash. I curse the day that Carrie won American Idol. In all seriousness, this song blows for how noble, proud and strong she tries to be on this one. Everything I said here is in reverse too. I mean, she's elevating herself from the basic visceral joy imagining busting somebody's overdetailed four-wheel drive! This doesn't make her seem strong, independent or respectable at all; she is weak, impulsive, vulnerable, thoughtless and immature for choosing to bust her boyfriend's truck in half a dozen ways. Break up with him instead, Carrie!

"Maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats..."

by Super Tips March 25, 2023

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The last name of a non-rebel and a conformist who does whatever the music industry tells her to do instead of letting them give her the creative freedom to do what's right; therefore, she is poppy, unoriginal, radio-friendly, talentless, a sell-out, generic and a complete tool. She has been seen as a fad long passed by for ages now. Seriously, it was bad enough that Britney Spears' albums consisted of nothing but 3/4-bar crap, but this female "rebel" named Avril went and made things so complicated by doing it again.

Avril Lavigne has made the point that it is possible for people with absolutely no musical talent to make millions off of radio listeners. Why should she pound her point home by doing it again? About the subtle misandry thing... we know she's pop rock and therefore can't sing about anything without ticking off either her fans or her haters (mainly the latter), but she seriously needs to come up with something to sing about besides mild, vague sexist and misandrist statements. All she seems to do in her older songs is mope about having problems with her boyfriend. Even worse, she's vague and never clear about what those problems really are.

by Super Tips July 29, 2023

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Jonas Brothers

Of all the boy bands and of all the Disney pop idols, the Jonas Brothers are the worst of the worst. They have unfortunately come back with a new album recently. Oh, and their music is NOT ROCK. We don't mean that as being something other than rock (as long as it's not something we're wholly, diametrically, unequivocally opposed to in and of itself), but NOT ROCK as in IT'S NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE. Much like Avril Lavigne, Olivia Rodrigo, Pink and Kelly Clarkson, the Jonas Brothers represent the most embarrassing attempts to clone rock music out there.

Jonas Brothers Fan: The Jonas Brothers really are an awesome and a talented band. I'm proud of them. I don't hate anything about them! GO AWAY IF YOU HATE THE JONAS BROTHERS! YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS!

Anti-Pop Snob Who Has Taste: No! The Jonas Brothers are NOT talented and they are NOT awesome! They are manufactured, kid-friendly and mass-produced as hell! I can't believe America has enough idiots in it to let this crap become popular!

by Super Tips July 29, 2023

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Music that mixes elements of electronic dance music like house and techno with hip-hop. It can also be called hip house, rap house, or house rap.

My favorite dance-rap song was "Everybody Dance Now (Gonna Make You Sweat)" by C+C Music Factory.

by Super Tips February 25, 2022

Dance rap

A type of rap music with heavy influence from EDM like house, trance, and Europop. It is marketed to the 10-25 demographic and usually has light-hearted lyrics.

The DJ at my cousin's birthday party was horrible. He played a mix of dance rap, teen pop, disco, '80s hair metal, and corporate rock songs... all of which were terrible. I really cringed when he played "Waterfalls" by TLC.

by Super Tips February 25, 2022

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Awful music by the likes of C+C Music Factory, Michael Jackson, Mary Blige, R Kelly, Faith Evans, Bobby Brown, TLC, Beyoncé, Sweet Tee, LMFAO, Janet Jackson, DJ Casper, Aaron Carter, Silento, and 2 Unlimited. This is what hip hop soul, new jack swing, pop rap, and hip house should be called. None of it is good.

Teeny bopper: I really love dance-rap! My favorite dance-rap group is TLC! Are you a fan of them?
Me: No.

by Super Tips February 25, 2022

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Kid-friendly rap music or teen pop by the likes of C+C Music Factory, 2 Unlimited, TLC, Michael and Janet Jackson, Bobby Brown, R. Kelly, Beyonce, MC Hammer, DJ Casper and Kris Kross. Like corporate rock, over-saturation is what establishes its broad appeal and it has no creativity or inovation.

The DJ at my cousin's birthday party was horrible. He played a mix of dance-rap, teen pop, disco, '80s hair metal, and corporate rock songs... all of which were terrible. I really cringed when he played "Waterfalls" by TLC.

by Super Tips February 25, 2022

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