Source Code


short form of "what's up"- simplified as a form of greeting, as in "hi."

"hi B.J." "wassup LeRoy."

by T D Olson October 22, 2003

1308👍 312👎


In the line of duty; at work.

Usually said about a third party who may be in earshot, as to not offend them. "Someone smells in a patriotic way."

by T D Olson October 22, 2003

77👍 87👎

how are you doing?


hey, how are you doing?

by T D Olson October 22, 2003

190👍 98👎

how's it goin?


hey, how's it goin?

by T D Olson October 22, 2003

34👍 21👎

how's it going?


hey, how's it going?

by T D Olson October 22, 2003

136👍 68👎


short form of "what's up"- simplified as a form of greeting, as in "hi."

"hi B.J." "sup LeRoy."

by T D Olson October 22, 2003

6👍 16👎