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Slang term that is heard commonly all over California, and is used in the smoking community to describe marijuana that is very physically dense and extremely potent.

Even a ten sack of that kill is enough to pass around and get you faded.

by T Hizzle April 9, 2005

366πŸ‘ 239πŸ‘Ž

punk skunk

1) A punk rock fan with poor hygienic habits that has a distinct body odor.

2) Any punk that basically smells like shit.

I was about to borrow this Ska CD from my friend, but I got a whiff of his punk skunk.

by T Hizzle April 6, 2005

23πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

keeping it real

Real is an abbreviation of Retaliating for Every Attack Line. Therefore, "keeping it real" is a defense mechanism used to sustain one's pride and self-interests against motherfuckers and bitches whose key intentions are to humiliate you and attempt to eliminate the much needed respect from your peers. To be real means to follow your heart, never giving a fuck about what your enemies try to do to break you, and always keeping a steady eye on your goals as well as the loved ones you set out to protect.

Keeping it real is the way of the soldier, one who always keeps his head up and his eyes on the prize.

by T Hizzle April 9, 2005

65πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


Adjective used to describe the breakfast a satisfied partner prepares after a night of excellent sex.

I fucked her wild and she made some mean eggs in the morning.

by T Hizzle April 22, 2005

11πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


What you say to anything so idiotic and appalling that it should be ignored and forgotten, even if it's simply something you would rather not hear.

Phil: I just got done taking a piss...

Josh: Next.

by T Hizzle May 23, 2005

22πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


1. Slang for marijuana, sometimes misinterpreted as the word 'bong'

2. Common adjective for marijuana.

"Yo, I'm about to blaze with this bomb I got.

When did you get a new bong?

No, not BON-GҀ”BOM-B"

"Dis some bomb ass weed for sure"

by T Hizzle February 22, 2005

20πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The existential state for undead zombies because some evil motherfucker won't let them rest in peace.

Zombie: Half of my skull is missing. I fucking hate limbo!

by T Hizzle May 2, 2005

166πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž