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sexual panda

A funk/alt. band formed on Long Island in late 2003. They have released 3 albums, with more forthcoming.

Were you at the Sexual Panda show last weekend? It Rocked!

by TC January 7, 2005

28πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


TC is a totally kick ass name.

TC just owned you fo shizzle.

by TC December 16, 2003

61πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

fo shaganoff

the new 'fo shizzle' in the ghettto.
means for sure, or for shit.

yo u man u goin to the club tonite?

"yea man, fo shaganoff"

by TC January 23, 2004

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

already babied

you use it when you refer to someone who is or might be a mother, or who you think might have had a baby.

1. Jay, "omg shes having a baby!"

Don, "Wasnt she already babied like 2 months ago?"

2. "Are you planning on having kids with your wife?"

"Nah, she has already babied."

by TC April 20, 2007

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Town in North-East of England. Home to Middlesbrough Football Club aka the Boro (pronounced bu-ra). Highest rate of teenage pregancy in Britain and approx 99% of council homes are occupied by single mothers of 1/2/3/4/5 children, who have Sky+ installed and a wide screen plasma TV.

Single mother: Fuck off for half an hour you little fucks, I got a client coming round at 9. And take ya little brother with ya, I don't want him walking in on me while i'm working like last time.

by TC January 25, 2005

84πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž


Semi-restrained use of the term "fucks sake", usually muttered or used to recover from situations where bad language may be inappropriate.

"OH FOR FUssake..."

by TC May 6, 2004


A number between six and seven. Bleen is not 6.5 and may be counted as an integer in base-eleven. It's symbol resembles a figure-eight (8) without the left half of the top circle. Ie, a ) shape on top of o.

It is also a color, seen in the muddy rainbow of a puddle of motor oil after the rain, colored niobium body jewlery, and around extrmely bright light sources. It describes when all or most perceivable colors appear visibly and at least somewhat distinctly in one place, and implies a shiney, metallic, glowing, neon, reflective or incandescant sheen.

It is also a halliciongen which may be absorbed through the skin. Finally, it is a fictional animal. Bleens are sightless, land dwelling invertebrates, so named for their call, which sounds rather like "Bleen." The color of bleen comes from their opalescant, shifting, multi-hued bodies. They are unusual among invertibrates in that they are large, warm-blooded, and do not need to be kept wet, possessing a soft, non-posionous skin that is generally dry to the touch. They are approximately equal to humans in avarage mass, but undefineable in length or height as they are somewhat shapeshifting and ameoba-like.

One, two, three, four, five, six, bleen, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Today on the Discovery channel - the mating rituals of the Bleen!

by TC April 13, 2005

92πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž