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dry skin flakes or scales found around a donkey's testicles.
common slang from the the outskirts of london originating from the 1930s.

he has been licking scrougles again...i.e. he is talking ballocks - common insult according to my grandfather!

by THE PAMSTER May 5, 2007


When a fuckwit temp does not show up for a start. short for did not show

he's a fucking cock - he's fucking DNUed

by THE PAMSTER May 5, 2007

1👍 2👎

Gentlemans Earring

When one of a gentlemans testiclay hangs lower than the other.

After sex he sood up and I saw his gentlemans earring

by THE PAMSTER May 4, 2007

7👍 1👎


a gent with long grey pubic hair

you gandalf cunt and grey pubed mother fucker

by THE PAMSTER May 4, 2007

10👍 21👎