Source Code

Crunk Cup

A goblet or chalice that "pimps" carry around with them at social gatherings. Usually ridiculously decorated in a "sparkly" fashion. In fact, it looks like someone gave a kid with ADD infinite access to a "Bedazzler" and a china cabinet. Usually carries around "Cristal" (krih-stahl) immitations and such.

"That cup's spackled more with diamonds than my toilet with shit after I eat too mush Taco del Mar!"
"Word dawg, thass a Crunk Cup all up in dis."
"So that's what happened to my goddamn Bedazzler..."
"Niggah what?"

by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!) September 30, 2004

99πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Jewelry or Riches.
Mainly "Gold" or "Platinum" and "Diamonds" are the source of all of this.

Man, you see dat wiggah? He be bling-blingin' it up, Fosheezie!

by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!) October 20, 2002

26πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


An awesome form of speedbump, mainly involving screaming and blood effect

Your brand new kitten

by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!) October 22, 2002

149πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž


To gain erotic pleasure from rubbing up against random strangers in crowded public areas.

When you feel somebody "Accidently" bump in to you or touch you and they "Apologize"... They are creaming their pants... That, my friend, is Frotterism!

by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!) December 16, 2002

157πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Funk Trunk


Damn! Dem Dere's some Uncle Tom's Be Shakin' Dat Funk Trunk! Foshizzie!

by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!) October 26, 2002

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1) Substitution for "Greetings!"
2) Dislexic Rabbi speak
3) Filler-speech when a need to look "gangsta" is at hand
4) Half of a "Yo-yo"

1) "Yo Homeslice!"
2) "Yo vei!"
3) "Dat Crunk Cup is the shit, yo yo yo!"
4) "I... forgot... mah... helmet... on... da... short... bus... wiff... mah... Yo-... *drools and falls off highchair*"

by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!) September 30, 2004

1723πŸ‘ 937πŸ‘Ž


Used to simplify such expressions as:
"No Shit!"

Der, I think I know how to be bling-blingin'it up!

by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!) October 20, 2002

58πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž