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When non-Jews (“goys”) attempt to appear Jewish.

A derivative of the term “blackphishing”.

“Yeah, he had everyone fooled that he was Jewish. Used Yiddish phrases, asked everyone about their plans for the high holidays. Turns out he was a WASP the whole time. Total case of gefiltephishing.”

by TK2000 October 29, 2023

Elon Musk

A dolt who owns a company named Tesla while ironically embodying the very worst attributes of Thomas Edison.

Person 1: “Hey, do you know who Elon Musk is?”
Person 2: “Yeah, he’s a total shitstain.”

by TK2000 October 30, 2023

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A (typically gay) male whose energy and personality resembles that of the singer Lizzo.

“Charles is a total Glizzo. Every night he’s 100% that bitch.”

by TK2000 October 30, 2023

Titan submarine

A submarine that is a “submersible” in the very same sense that Amy Schumer is a “comedian”

“Hey did you hear the news about the Titan Submarine? It sunk. Guess it wasn’t all that good at its supposed job, and got progressively worse.”

by TK2000 October 29, 2023

Drew Gooden

Synonym of Danny Gonzalez

“I really like that new Drew Gooden video.”

by TK2000 October 29, 2023

Wrigley Field

Someone who is late to adopt any new technology.

“Yeah, John still was using a flip phone until this year: he only started using a smartphone the other month. He’s a total Wrigley Field”

by TK2000 October 29, 2023