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A person who is addicted to face book, much like a alcoholic is addicted to the bottle. These poeple post every stupid aspect of boring life on facebook as though it is some earth shattering news. They belive in thier simple minds that people actually care about what they have to say, and can't wait for more of their mindless dribble. When in fact all poeple will usually do is just hide these mother fuckers, to get them off their screens.

Tony : Mike your boy Eric is a faceaholic.

Mike : I know he's on facebook 24-7, and he never has much of anything to say but quote lyrics and talk about washboards.

by TV CAR March 20, 2010

34πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The fear of abbreviations taking over the english language, and instead of talking, normal people will soon be talking in only abbreviations.

*Phone rings*

Tony: Hello

Mike :HMWU

Tony :What?


Tony: What the fuck are you sayin?

Mike :Hey man what's up,what you don't undrestand abbrev?

Tony : No and you are retarted.

*hangs up phone*

Mike :WTF? He must have abbrevaphobia.

by TV CAR March 27, 2010

33πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Here is a term born from the wonderful people at summit racing. The people who love summit and think it is all that, and all good things for cars and trucks come from summit. Here is an example of how a "Tool's" brain works: dude I just went to summit and bought a cool air intake,splitfire plugs,accel coil,a k&n filter,hypertech chip,low temp stat,and headers w/daul exhaust for my 94 K1500. Now my piece of shit truck w/200k+ miles will go form 225hp to like 300+ hp, so in order to keep all that power under control I'm gonna need rancho shocks,rear sway bar,energy suspension bushings and some mickey thompson tires. This practice is also very common with small rice burning cars, like honda civics. These cars though need lots of colorful wire loom,painted dash parts,skull head shift knobs,and wings to make them faster.

Rich: I'm gonna drive to ohio to summit to get some parts for my truck, because no ordinary parts will do for my old K1500. Like some rancho"s, just thinkin of that summit store gives me wood!

Tool: True dat,I know the feel'in. I was just there gettin some stuff for my 89 civic!

Scott: So you two assholes esp. rich, just summitized your junk rides. Its like trying to polish a terd, or better yet flushing money down the toilet!

by TV CAR March 17, 2010

37πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Rachet jaw

A person who will not shut the fuck up,and is just blabbering out mindless dribble. This person just talks about nothing or weaves yarns that just go on endlessly, it's like they have to hear themselves talk. These people may often be refered to as longwinded assholes.

dude 1: That speaker really went on and on at the meeting tonite.

dude 2: Sure did, he was a real rachet jaw.

by TV CAR April 11, 2010

72πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


People on Urban Dictionary who are constantly submitting first and full names as new definitions, just to be rejected because 99% of these are fuckin stupid unfunny inside jokes that will never grace the holy sanctuaty we call the Urban Dictionary. Yet these simple minded folk just keep on keepin on submitting, cause their name submittin junkies.

Tool : I just tried to add my girls name to the Urban Dictionary as the hottest chick ever, but for the 27th time they slammed the door in my face. I don't get it ?

Tool's wise friend : You my friend are a nameaholic, and your stupid defs just don't fly.

by TV CAR March 28, 2010

46πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Freight Trained

When an unsuspecting animal dog,cat,deer or other, runs out into a street or highway. The said animal running with tunnel vision of only the other side of the road, gets hammered by the car/truck never seeing it coming. The animal usually get killed or severly injured to the point it wishes it was dead. Damage usually is done to the car/truck and there is always a large bang/yelping noise,with much blood and gore.

dude 1 : Did you see that dog that running around?

dude 2 : Yeah, that mother fucker just ran out into the street and got freight trained by an explorer. It was EPIC!

by TV CAR September 29, 2010

25πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Time to play the game

This is when nothing else matters only the game at hand. One must block out everything else and focus on the game. A true athlete can do this to elevate his play,and crush his weaker opponent. This idea was also what born the song by motorhead "Time to play the game".

Hockey playoffs start today so, it's "Time to play the game".

by TV CAR March 6, 2010

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž