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1. A language whose arcane grammar can drive you crazy.

2. Something of German origin; i.e., beer or cars.

3 A resident of Germany; person of German descent. Typically, a mellow, intelligent thinking creature, invariably polite, living in the area of land commonly known as Germany, a lush, wooded land with the Alps to the south, gentle, rolling hills in the center, and the North Sea to the North.

The typical German is even-tempered, tolerant, respectful, practical, and somewhat skeptical and pessimistic by nature. German men are far less sexist than American men, and are more prone to marriage. Germans, though, typically have small families.

A German tends to be a lover of nature, well-organized, frugal and efficient. They seldom lose their tempers- if you go to a German bar, people are usually friendly and happy, unlike an American bar, where people start fights.

Germans love fast cars, motorcycles, good beer, taking lots of holidays, and walking in nature. Germany is a great place for the outdoors, and people love hiking, camping and cycling.

Germans are often tastelessly dressed, and German women often wear atrocious clothes. German food is OK, if you like pork. German bread, on the other hand, is excellent. It doesn't matter, though, because German people mostly eat Italian and French food.

Germans make the best engineers, computer scientists, and technicians. They never go anywhere without their "handies" (cell phones), they're mad about soccer, and they love to have a festival. They take a day off for every holiday, including all-saint's day, May Day and the assumption of the Virgin Mary (despite the fact that most Germans don't go to church often). The biggest parties are Karneval and the Love Parade.

They typical German hates extremes and extremists of all kinds, including neo-nazis, who comprise a hated minority in the country. Most people are moderate in their beliefs. There are lots of political parties in Germany, including the Green Party, who helped turn Germany into the biggest purveyor of solar power and electric windmills.

Germans don't neccesarily dislike any group of people; Germans often visit France, England, the US, Eastern Europe, Turkey and the Mediterranean. Often, though, other nations have prejudices about Germans. Germany is ethnically mixed, though, and lots of Germans marry non-Germans.

1. How do you translate the German word "unwahrscheinlichkeit"?
2. This German wheat beer- Franziskaner Weissbier"- is excellent.
3. Look at that cute German techie guy over there.

by Tabitha Elkins May 10, 2006

2087👍 442👎


1. A language whose arcane grammar can drive you crazy.

2. Something of German origin; i.e., beer or cars.

3 A resident of Germany; person of German descent. Typically, a mellow, intelligent thinking creature, invariably polite, living in the area of land commonly known as Germany, a lush, wooded land with the Alps to the south, gentle, rolling hills in the center, and the North Sea to the North.

The typical German is even-tempered, tolerant, respectful, practical, and somewhat skeptical and pessimistic by nature. German men are far less sexist than American men, and are more prone to marriage. Germans, though, typically have small families.

A German tends to be a lover of nature, well-organized, frugal and efficient. They seldom lose their tempers- if you go to a German bar, people are usually friendly and happy, unlike an American bar, where people start fights.

Germans love fast cars, motorcycles, good beer, pretzels, taking lots of holidays, and walking in nature. Germany is a great place for the outdoors, and people love hiking, camping and cycling.

Germans are often tastelessly dressed, and German women often wear atrocious clothes. German food is OK, if you like pork. German bread, on the other hand, is excellent. It doesn't matter, though, because German people mostly eat Italian and French food.

Germans make the best engineers, computer scientists, and technicians. They never go anywhere without their "handies" (cell phones), they're mad about soccer, and they love to have a festival. They take a day off for every holiday, including all-saint's day, May Day and the assumption of the Virgin Mary (despite the fact that most Germans don't go to church often). The biggest parties are Karneval and the Love Parade.

They typical German hates extremes and extremists of all kinds, including neo-nazis, who comprise a hated minority in the country. Most people are moderate in their beliefs. There are lots of political parties in Germany, including the Green Party, who helped turn Germany into the biggest purveyor of solar power and electric windmills.

Germans don't neccesarily dislike any group of people; Germans often visit France, England, the US, Eastern Europe, Turkey and the Mediterranean. Often, though, other nations have prejudices about Germans. Germany is ethnically mixed, though, and lots of Germans marry non-Germans.

1. How do you translate the German word "unwahrscheinlichkeit"?
2. This German wheat beer- Franziskaner Weissbier"- is excellent.
3. Look at that cute German techie guy over there.

by Tabitha Elkins May 28, 2006

97👍 67👎

riding the white bullet

Refers to a woman having her period, or menstruating; i.e., using a tampon.

Sorry, I can't tonight; I'm riding the white bullet.

by Tabitha Elkins May 10, 2006

9👍 10👎

foul-weather friend

A foul-weather friend is the opposite of a fair-weather friend. A fair-weather friend is your friend when your life is fine, and times are good but they abandon you when you have a problem, lose your job, etc.

A foul-weather friend is someone who likes to be around you when you are unemployed, depressed and in the dumps. He/she feels sorry for you, and gets some pleasure out of feeling superior, handing out advice, berating you for having a bad attitude. As soon as you get out of the slump, get a job, get in shape, get a decent place to live, etc., the fair weather friend is jealous, and stops speaking to you.

Now that you are not a total loser, the foul-weather friend can't stand you.

As soon as I got a new job and a decent place to live, my foul-weather friend stopped speaking to me.

by Tabitha Elkins April 10, 2008

128👍 107👎


A girl with blue hair. Usually a really cool, hip chick.

Look at that cool blunette over there!

by Tabitha Elkins June 1, 2006

62👍 23👎


Music is the language of God. It describes the indescribable, and has the capacity to help people experience oneness with God. Without music, life would be unimaginable. There are three types of music, although much music is a combination of two or more:

1.The first type of music is music of the body- meant for dancing and making love, it is, above all, sensual. It should be rhythmic and melodic. Latin music is a good example.

2.The second type is music of the soul. It is edifying to the mind, and speaks to the longings of the heart and opens the mind to Truth. Jazz is a good example of this, as is much Classical music. Some rock and pop music also sould be classified here, though very little of the kind that you hear on commercial radio or see on MTV.

3.The third type is music of the spirit. It appeals to the highest depths of the spirit, bringing mankind to higher resonance, and helping a person tune into the invisible universe. The music of Alice Coltrane would be a good example. Very few people actually get to hear such music nowadays.
4. Pseudo-music
Music is a part of every culture, but Corporate America has been trying to kill music, substituting machine generated "noise" and trying to pass it off as "music".

There are those who are doing their best to keep young people from ever experiencing real music, because people who have no spirituality can be more easily manipulated. The disease of soulless, hateful, music- free, melody-free "pseudo-music" is being spread over the face of the earth, and will destroy our souls unless we stop it, by creating a new, joyful, melodic music of international liberation.

That elevator"muzak" isn't music- it's pure crap!
"Rap" that doesn't have any melody or harmony may be poetry, but it isn't music.

by Tabitha Elkins May 10, 2006

59👍 53👎