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bitches gonna get stitches

a phrase used when some ho steps out of her bounds - connoting the use of violence to mediate disputes.

Person 1: Karen just slept with Sarah's man.
Person 2: Oh no she di'n't!
Sarah: Bitches gonna get stitches!

by Tank Morris and Clutch Kerley January 13, 2004

82👍 16👎


a girl that knows how to handle a stick shift!

Amanda's such a clutch; she's put 6 guys into 5th gear just this week.

by Tank Morris and Clutch Kerley January 13, 2004

12👍 20👎

courtesy tap

verb: an act of sex following a pricey (over $15) dinner, where the benifactor of the dinner reciprecates out of politness. Can be both passive and active.

After that ho bought my dinner, I had to giver her a little courtesy tap. I mean, that bitch was nasty, but Red Lobster sure is fine.

by Tank Morris and Clutch Kerley January 12, 2004

17👍 213👎