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regressive party

The Republican party. Named for their regressive policies.

The Regressive party wants to bring us back to the stone age.

by Teh Pope February 27, 2005

190πŸ‘ 150πŸ‘Ž

blond dreads

Dread locks worn by someone with blond or otherwise light-colored hair. Looks riduculous, like they've got chicken fingers on their head.

Why do people with blond hair get dreads? Do they think it looks cool or something? Goddamn hippie fruit of babylon.

by Teh Pope October 29, 2004

33πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž


A glass water pipe, resembling a hookhah or nargile, used for smloking canabis. Often has a detatchable top which can be raised while inhaling, triggering a rapid intake of cool, dense smoke.

Different from a regular bong, as it often contains tubes, and draws the smoke through a chamber of chilled water, cooling and intensifying it, for a more pleasant smoking experience.

The bing is better if you use ice water. Damn, a couple of hits off of that thing had pretty much everyone in the room floating around in the stars.

by Teh Pope March 8, 2005

39πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

panties in a bunch

1. When a person overreacts to a trifling insult or barb, or to a joke.

2. When someone acts in an anal-retentive manner, and makes a big fuss out of a relatively minor problem.

1. Don't get you're panties all in a bunch, he doesn't mean it.

2. It's not that big of a problem, don't get your panties all in a bunch, it's going to be okay.

by Teh Pope January 19, 2005

799πŸ‘ 152πŸ‘Ž

weed fascist

One who smokes canabis exclusively, abstaining from all other drugs.

Heroin makes you a loser, coke makes you an asshole, crack is just plain dumb. I'm afraid of acid, I hate liquor and I'm morally opposed to pills. I'm a weed fascist, and I love you.

by Teh Pope March 20, 2005

219πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


The town of Westfield Mass., known for blight, four dive bars within extremely short walking distance of one another, just as many liquor stores, just as many churches.

Whenever a business starts up anywhere in downtown Wastefield, it goes under within the year.

by Teh Pope February 27, 2005

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

girly men

1. Perjorative word for men who lack machismo, large muscles, luxuriant facial hair or other such tokens of hyper-masculinity.

2. Perjorative word for homosexual men.

3. Insult coined by Saturday Night Live characters Hans and Franz, and mimicked by California governor Arnol Schwartzenager.

You can't even lift a pretzel, you little girly man!

by Teh Pope August 3, 2004

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž