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A girl that you kniw that you can trust no matter what, she will always be there for you. The best kind of partner, wife or girlfriend that you could ask for. Quite sexy, humorous and a bit weird, but in a way you like for some strange reason.

Daymn have you seen that girl, she is a SALAAAAAAA!!!

by Thank God for Atheists August 6, 2016

52👍 11👎


Somebody whi is disrespectful, ignorant and cocky, usually good at sport and is competitive most of the time, but can be arrogant.

Daymn, he's fast, he must be a lirak!

Yep he just called that guy a slow wanka, he's a lirak.

by Thank God for Atheists August 6, 2016

5👍 7👎


A small guy with a tiny dick

"Is that guy called tim"

"Yes how did u know"

"Cos he's a midget"

by Thank God for Atheists August 7, 2016

12👍 203👎