Source Code

Jukebox Filibuster

To play extremely long songs in the jukebox so that others may not play bad music.

Jim: I can't handle all this country music
Jason: Its all good I just jukebox filibustered with Pink Floyd

by The Achievers March 13, 2013

Denny Rock

A term used to describe poor rock and roll music taste. Someone who is a fan of denny rock is generally a fan of shitty alternative bands such as Nickelback, Hinder and Default.

Matt: Hey dude do you think he would wanna go to the Foo Fighters concert with us?
Jim: Probably not man, that kid only listens to shitty ass denny rock.

by The Achievers December 18, 2010

41πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

White Walling

To delete many or even all past facebook posts in an effort to maintain a reasonable reputation

Jason: Yo you really think they're gonna hire you if they see your facebook page?
Jim: They wont find anything, I'm white walling that shit right now

by The Achievers March 5, 2013

1770πŸ‘ 324πŸ‘Ž

Snapshow Crazy

When a person (usually a young female) becomes emotionally unstable and maniacally loses their temper on a regular basis, most often when debating on topics such as driving skills, hygiene and the glass ceiling.

Gal: Hey dude should I bring this hoe to coyotes with us?
Jim: I dont know man, not a good idea, I heard that bitch was snapshow crazy.

by The Achievers December 21, 2010

34πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The Ice Bill Line

The last forward line on a travel hockey team, usually the 4th line. This line barely plays any minutes in the game but still pays the same amount of money as everyone else, thus helping fund the teams ice bill.

Brendan: We're down by 3 and there's only 2 minutes left.
Jim: Guess its time to throw out the ice bill line.

by The Achievers February 3, 2013


A term used to describe a group of males who view their sexual accomplishments as "achievements." Originating in the greater Detroit Michigan area, a member of the achievers is commonly known to ask a female if she would "like to be achieved" instead of using traditional pickup lines.

Jay: Yo dawg you think shes ready for The Achievers?Jason: By the way she just looked over here I'd have to say yes, she would like to be achieved.

by The Achievers December 18, 2010

41πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

The Kacker

A slang term for very strong marijuana. The kacker is commonly known to make the smoker cough severely upon inhalation.

Senior: Hey you guys got the kacker!?
Kurt: Standard

by The Achievers January 27, 2013