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The South

A racist behind the times place to live. The people are probably slow and hateful to the extreme heat. Also a place that still raises the confederate flag but claims its "heritage not hate"

If you wanna dumb hick in your life just visit the south

by The Bad Q August 12, 2006

104👍 318👎

White Mexican

A hispanice who has white skin but still has hispanic features. Many of them believe that they are white but guess what hon...you aren't! The KKK would kill you just as eaisly as they would kill a darker hispanic. Oh yeah and southern white mexicans would you please stop wearing hollistor, A&F, and American Eagle.

Angel: where is that white mexican maria at?
Lana: oh that girl is over there with them white people trying desperately to fit in. She's even starting to forget her native tounge

by The Bad Q November 25, 2006

49👍 459👎


A nasty white woman who thinks she can sing and thinks she'll do good enough without the black eyed peas. Her song London Bridge is disgusting just like her over applied make up and dance movies. "Its" something that decent people would cringe at.

Woman: I wanna dress like a whore and scare my husband off. what should i do?

Woman #2: Just dress like Fergie

by The Bad Q August 9, 2006

1367👍 820👎

The Hills

A horrible reality show about a bunch of skinny rich white college kids dealing with their picture perfect life. They've got everything going for them but still find time to whine. abercrombie-kid,laguna beach,she-twig

Platinum Blonde: man im so pissed how perfect my life is so i think im gonna make up some lame drama.

Dirty Blonde: Yeah me too. gosh life in the hills sucks

by The Bad Q August 9, 2006

490👍 184👎


Hateful people who claim that they are trying to improve America's values. They say that they are christian like but they dont support helping others which is something christians are supposed to do. They dont support free health care,improvement for blacks, free choice. They try to control everyones life instead looking out for they ownself.

George Bush our evil republican president didnt send out help soon enough for Katrina refugees.

by The Bad Q June 26, 2006

212👍 427👎


usually a racist kid who wears abercrombieoramerican eagle. They tend to have republican view points and sneer at minorities who aren't Asian. Most of the women suffer from eating disorders

(1)abercrombie-kid: oh my gosh look at those people they look like they are about to steal

(2)abercrombie-kid: does this make me look fat.

(3)abercrombie-kid: i support Bush

by The Bad Q June 26, 2006

46👍 171👎