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doug bunch

1. Noun: Male genitalia in the uncomfortable and unintentional state of being tightly wadded or otherwise confined in a bundle-like shape, as inside form-fitting pants, swimwear, and bicycling shorts. (Cf. doug.)
2. Noun: Term for male genitalia employed by habitual wearers of inappropriately tight jeans.

He was caught behind a tree in the park excavating a doug bunch from the sweaty depths of his new skinny jeans.
Though generally harmless, certain extreme cases of doug bunch have caused victims to become Douglas.

by The Baroness von Schnitzel October 30, 2018


1. Noun: The external male genitalia.
2. Noun: The penis.

The doctor said no more skinny jeans and speedos for me. If I want to be a father some day, I gotta let my doug fly free.
This new bicycle seat is jamming my doug!

by The Baroness von Schnitzel October 30, 2018

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