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Racist prig

A person whose despicable views are cloaked in holier-than-thou snootiness.

“Remember that racist prig Karen who called 911 on the Black photographer in Central Park?”

“My aunt was such a racist prig, she wouldn’t let trick or treaters of color put their hands in the bowl of candy.”

by The Biggest Jeanius May 30, 2021

1👍 8👎

A schmillion

Mock Yiddish for a billion.

My uncle kevelled about the GameStop scam: "The hedge funders lost a schmillion!" he said.

by The Biggest Jeanius January 31, 2021


Pandemic compliment, backhanded or otherwise, along the lines of "you-look-good-in-glasses."

This guy told me "you-look-good-in-a-mask" but I think he was just trying to hit on me.

by The Biggest Jeanius January 24, 2021

3👍 3👎