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Alpha Beta Ripple

Automotive bodywork/paintshop slang for minor dents, such as those caused by shopping carts in grocery store parking lots. Derived from the once ubiquitous Alpha Beta supermarket chain.

No huge dents in the door panel, just a little Alpha Beta Ripple.

by The Demon Prince October 16, 2006

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Painter's slang for an area accidentally left unpainted or inadequately covered.

You left a couple of holidays on the living room ceiling.

by The Demon Prince October 2, 2006

91πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

volunteer highway patrol

A motorist who drives in the fast lane at the same speed as the drivers in the slow lanes, forcing all traffic to slow to what the obstructing driver considers to be a safe speed.

I got pinned down by the Volunteer Highway Patrol for about 10 miles before I could get around him.

by The Demon Prince October 2, 2006

60πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

volunteer highway patrol

A motorist who drives in the fast lane at the same speed as the drivers in the slow lanes, forcing all traffic to slow to what the obstructing driver considers to be a safe speed.

I got pinned down by the Volunteer Highway Patrol for about 10 miles before I could get around him.

by The Demon Prince October 2, 2006

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

shitty end of the stick

Phrase used to describe bad luck or victimization.

They were reorganizing our department and I got the shitty end of the stick.

by The Demon Prince October 16, 2006

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just fell off the turnip truck

Naive. Implies rural unsohistication versus urban savviness.

"A Rolex for $50? Do you think I just fell off the turnip truck?"

by The Demon Prince November 14, 2006

54πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

ditch bank okie

Insulting phrase for poor caucasian. Implies poverty, rural associations and ignorance.

Don't mind him, he's just a ditch bank okie.

by The Demon Prince October 2, 2006

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