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camp shirt

1. Button down utility shirts made of durable fabric containing pockets on each breast, bicep, oblique, and completed by a buttoned shoulder strap.

2. Panty dropping gear.

Question: "Bro, what are you wearing on the party bus?"

Answer: "The Issue is wearing a camp shirt."

by The Dissent February 4, 2010

6👍 3👎

the issue

1. The subject of dispute in an adversarial legal system.

2. The subject of dispute in a sex starved, estrogen fueled, female dominated law school section.

slam piece:"IS THAT CHUCK NORRIS in a camp shirt?
bitch: Hell no, thats the issue!
skank: I thought he was a ninja?
chick: He's just a guy that sweats testosterone, drops panties, and fucked the gunner's gf.

by The Dissent February 4, 2010

8👍 4👎