Source Code


A number so friggin' huge that it's beyond stupid - it's retarded.

Congress just passed another spending bill giving 695 tardillion dollars to the lobbies that paid for their election campaigns.

by The Evil Steve March 14, 2009

rape in Sweden

based loosely on the Julian Assange case, referring to the fact that what counts as anything from gross sexual imposition down to just uncool sexual activites in Australia can be considered rape in Sweden. Used to alert braggart friends that their boasting is not particulary welcome. Also used to be a smartass.

Dude 1: "Yeah, the bitch said no to getting all up in dat azz, but I went there anyway."
Dude 2: "Dude! That's rape in Sweden!"


Dude 1: "Jagoff walks around with his pants around his knees, so I grab the waistband on his BVDs and hike 'em towards the heavens!"

Dude 2: "snicker Yeah... but that's rape in Sweden! chuckle"

by The Evil Steve December 20, 2010

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Shorthand for No Beers Necessary. Used to describe a person so attractive that one wouldn't require a drink to inspire or prepare for denting headboards with them. Can be spoken as 'nibben'.

Guy 1: "Did you see the body on that chick? She's totally NBN!"
Guy 2: "Ummm... dude... she's got three eyes and one eyebrow. Ease up on the Jaeger! Nice rack, though."

by The Evil Steve July 28, 2005

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only when I'm pregnant

A male person's definitive "never" response. Puts to rest the relentless drunk friend-of-friend who tries to force you into a flase confession.

Drunk FoF: "Dude, would you ever consider nailing Snooki?"
Dude: "No."
Drunk FoF: "Not even if your were drunk?"
Dude: "Never."
Drunk FoF: "Even if you're drunk, horny, and she's playing with your balls?"
Dude: "Only when I'm pregnant."

by The Evil Steve June 3, 2011


Acronym meaning Mother I'd Love to Fuck. Used to describe a physically / sexually attractive woman of an age likely to have teenage sons of her own (generally 35-50). Term widely used by said teenage sons, most often in reference to each other's mothers. When with their Boyz, they joke about MILFs... privately, they go home and fap themselves rotten thinking about the MILFs they just joked about.

"Dude... J-Dogg's moms got an ass you want to eat lunch from! Total MILF!"

by The Evil Steve July 28, 2005

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buy their razor

Sports-related: to knock a team out of playoff contention. Derived from the tendency for sports teams to grow their beards during the playoffs as a sign of team unity.

The Chargers bought the Titans their razor(buy their razor) last night by pounding them 42-17 in Tennessee, knocking the Titans to 7-8 and completely out of the playoff chase.

by The Evil Steve December 26, 2009


Adjective to describe that comfortable satisfaction one gets from stuffing their head-holes with fat-and-sugar laden holiday food for a month. Also describes one's new larger physical profile from same.

Guy 1: Man, I've been chowing on pie and Christmas cookies non-stop for the last three weeks. I feel Santastic!

Guy 2: Yeah, you look Santastic, too, Tubbo!

Guy 1: Suck it.

by The Evil Steve December 18, 2008

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