Source Code



Source: Public Service TV spot from Guinness featuring the animated Brewmasters.

1) Acronym for the message of above-referenced spot: Use Common Sense And Always Know When You've Had Your Fill

2) General sign-off to your buds as they head out for the pub/club/party

3) Expression of disbelief, akin to WTF

1) Pretty self-explanatory

2) Guy 1: "I'm heading out for the club to get laid, drunk or both.
Guy 2: "Good luck, Dawg. UCSAAKWYHYF."

3) Guy 1: "Dude... when I was out, I chatted up that 'girl' you were drunk-dancing with last week. 'She' asked for your number - and said thinking about your pants gave 'her' a boner!"

by The Evil Steve January 28, 2006

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To have rights, privileges, and/or other amenities revoked over a period of time with apparent intent of making the Miltonee want to leave. Derived from the Milton character in the movie Office Space, who constantly had his cubicle moved and office supplies removed against his protestations.

Since last year, my boss has taken away lunch breaks, given my job to an intern, and made me share my cubicle with Smelly Mel from Marketing - I'm totally getting Miltoned!

by The Evil Steve August 23, 2005

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Think Outside of the Box

Old - Phrase in office-speak suggesting the use of unorthodox approaches to solve otherwise difficult problems. Not a bad phrase, but too many pointy-haired-boss types latched on to it and used it as a knee-jerk response when asked for input, thus blanching it of all meaning.

New - Happy-hour phrase meaning "Get your mind off the poontang - we're talking sports now!"

Old - Cube Monkey: Boss, I'd like your input on this problem.
Boss: Think outside of the box, Monkey.
Cube Monkey: Well, I thought you may have some time-saving insight, since you're paid to be my professional superior and all...
Boss: Just think outside of the box, Monkey!
Cube Monkey: Right. Hey! I'll use the fuckyoubossoscope!
Boss: There you go, Monkey!

New - Guy 1: Think the Rams have a chance this year?
Guy 2: It'll be tough, but anybody can make the playoffs in the NFC... What do you think, Trey?
Guy 3: Did you see the ass on that marketing intern? Damn! I could write a poem about that ass!
Guy 1: Hey, Trey... we're over here... football conversation?
Guy 2: Yeah, Trey - Think outside of the box!

by The Evil Steve August 30, 2005

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bolt out of the brown

1) A completely out-of-context shitty thing to do or say, especially from an unexpected source. From the elderly phrase "bolt out of the blue", but modified with skidmarks for flavor.

2) (driving) Some asshole coming from out of nowhere to bust your chops (cut you off, tailgate and honk, etc.)

1) Our night out was pretty bangin' until Chess Club Bill dropped that ear-splitting N-bomb at the bar. What a bolt out of the brown!

2) Jesus! Where did this pissed-off horn-addicted Excursion-driving dickhead getting all up my tailpipe materialize from? This fat bastard was a bolt out of the brown!

by The Evil Steve June 2, 2007

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The act of getting intentionally obliterated by alcohol in pursuit of a good time. More thorough than "going out for drinks" - you know damned well you won't be driving home from a proper piss-on.

Girl: "Why did Larry just drop his keys in the fish tank?"

Guy: "He's been looking forward to this party all week - he pegged it as a piss-on on Wednesday!"

by The Evil Steve August 5, 2005

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