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Chug In The Jug

v, a verb used to describe the action of a man making a sperm donation to a sperm donor bank.

The action a man takes in the private room of a sperm donor bank to achieve the desired goal with visual aids to help.

Sean went to the sperm donor bank to donate. The nurse pointed him to the private room.

Nurse: "Sean go in that room to contribute your donation."

Sean: "So do I have a chug in the jug & hand it in yeah?"

Nurse: "Yes Sean that's correct."

by The Fairy Sesh Mother December 21, 2019

Head Shot

A phrase used by a man who is about to shoot his load all over his woman's face in the heat of passion. A head shot can either be left on her face as a gift of sexual gratification or deposited in her mouth like unborn baby food.

Damion & Jo were at it like rabbits in the spring.

Damion: "Oh baby im going to give you a head shot"

Jo: "aim shoot & score baby!"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother June 3, 2021


n, The type of idiot who likes to report other peoples posts on social media for attention of site admin cause they don't agree.

A twatburger reported the posts in the Metal Heads Forever group & site admin removed the post for breeching the site standards.

Sparky got a notification to say another post has been reported. Sparky saw the twatburger was depressed for attention.

Sparky: "Jojo look another twat burger in the group - i blocked his ass!"

Jojo: this group is getting bad for attention seeking snowflakes!"

Sparky: "yeah twatburgers are everywhere!"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother October 26, 2020

Pyjama Penis

n, a noun used to describe the fluff battle a woman faces when giving a blow job to her man when he's wore pyjamas without boxer shorts.

A fluffy dick which has accumulated fluff that sticks like glue.

Rupert & Jemima were about to start oral sex when she discovered he had pyjamas & she noticed he had pyjama penis

Jamima: "Rupert you've got pyjama penis stick your dick under the sink tap"

Ruper: "ok babe"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother January 1, 2022

Bed Crumbs

v, a noun usee to describe the mess left on the bedsheets after eating things like crisps or toast in bed.

Damion: "Jo we need to re make the bed, its covered in bed crumbs."

Jo: "I'll do the duvet, you get the sheet with the bed crumbs."

by The Fairy Sesh Mother February 28, 2021

14👍 3👎

Trouser Truffles

Trouser truffles are the endearing term for testicles used widely by posh cunts & snobby fuckers

Snob "Oh darling lick my trouser truffles"

Posh cunt "oh yes dear"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother April 7, 2023



A word used to describe a combination of 2 drug mixed together. Digibase is formed by mixing ecstasy with speed (amphetamine). The combination is called digibase.

Tonight I'm going to a rave. I'm going to take some digibase so i can dance all night.

Sean "Jo do u want digibase before we go raving?"

Jo "Yes! I'd love some digibase!"
Sean "I have some stashed for tonight"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother November 27, 2019