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A term used to describe a hard lifestyle or a life/point in life that warrants struggle, usually in the terms of poverty, death, and oppression of some sort. The word is sometimes used synonymously for ghetto.

I was living in the bintin.

by The Great Dark February 1, 2015


It's a more excited or enthusiastic way of saying "Alright" or "'Ight". It is actually just I YEET without the space, and since yeet means to get pumped up or excited about something, you're really just saying you're yeeting.

Boy: "Hey did that girl we were talking to before say she was comin' over?"

Friend: "Ya man. In a couple hours."

Boy: "IYEET!"

by The Great Dark June 27, 2015

salad choice

A slang term for a job or the method someone makes their money.

Right now I got the green, and it's not just 'cause my salad choice.

by The Great Dark February 8, 2015


A word to describe any time you are on a winning streak or have a "can't lose" feeling or vibe.

Guy: "Right now I'm indefeato."

Girl: "Neato."

by The Great Dark February 8, 2015

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A person who has a high tolerance, or can take numerous shots, blows, etc, but remains stoic or unfazed. The usual context is referring to a person in a fight or a person drinking numerous shots.

He's not even fazed. We got ourselves a full-blown semi.

by The Great Dark February 1, 2015

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one-hit acquit

A synonym for a one shot, a one hit KO, or winning at something in one fell swoop.

If you ever face me it'll be a one-hit acquit!

by The Great Dark February 1, 2015

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(muh-soos) A person who is an expert in a skill, field, situation, or area to the point of being a Mary Sue or Gary Stu-like.

That guy's a fighting masoos.

by The Great Dark February 1, 2015