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Cory Protolipac

The new sheriff in town, or so he thinks. Cory is the rival bald boy of Christopher Sweeney. They will merge their powers to take down arch rival Thomas Bright. Watch out San Diego

Chris: you must be Cory Protolipac

Cory: theres no room in this town for the both of us

by The Gulath Clan December 15, 2018

Easton Metz

The Albino Legend himself. Hes a fantastic footballer who has offers from Oregon, Clemson, OU, and Alabama. He will do one year at each school, and get rookie of the year and the heisman every single year. He loves spitting luggies on his younger brother tyler. His penis is a solid 7 inches soft, and he fucks every bitch in the whole Missouri area, including his mother and aunt. God im thankful to know this man

Some dude in my spanish class looks exactly like Easton Metz
Damn he wishes he was easton status

by The Gulath Clan August 26, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ignorant Ass Boy

Champions of true knowledge

In assaociation with the Choadsters foundation

Russ: i preach true knowledge

Me: shut up you Ignorant Ass Boy

by The Gulath Clan August 19, 2018

Keegan Froeckmann

A nice freckled child that does not want to hear you jokes about the cheesy cooch. Sometimes he will get angered when mini cheese balls are placed on his stomach in a discrete fashion and he will proceed to aggressively hit the quan while awaiting further instructions.

Holy shit, Keegan Froeckmann time!

by The Gulath Clan September 23, 2018


Its a dingle berry but the piece of shit shifts from your rectum to the undercarriage of your scrotum and just hangs there

Humpfry: dude you smell like shit
Leroy: i got this dongle just hangin on my balls and it wont come off
Humpfry: my nigga what

by The Gulath Clan August 19, 2018

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Cameron Paul

The worlds biggest douche. Most likely the fattest motherfucker you will ever see. He loves to eat ass and will try to start a fight with any guy if a girl is watching. Hes a meat head but all the meat is in his belly. Also probably gay

Tony: yo bro did you see Cameron Paul try to fight that small kid last night
Edward: yea hes a major ass boy

by The Gulath Clan August 19, 2018

Spontaneous Butthole Evacuation Syndrome

Some people's buttholes just fuckin fall off randomly. This happens a lot in Norway.

I was diagnosed with Spontaneous Butthole Evacuation Syndrome

by The Gulath Clan March 8, 2019