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Little people who were sodomized by Elves in the 1st and 2nd age of the parallel dimension and world to ours called Middle Earth. They lived in mines and inside the mountains for the most part. Many Dwarves died during the Stank Mines period, which Elves would buttrape Dwarves till they died from an exploding rectum. Not all Dwarves died during this act of sexual conquest but 50% of their population were wiped out and 35% of that population's death were suicides. Some Dwarves were captured by Gondor to be mated with Hobbits to produce claymation looking creatures called Dwarbbits.

For a period of 1000 years the Elves pounded the little Dwarves' ass holes day in and day out. They were restricted to a population control managed by the Elves so they could not revolt. The Dwarves finally turned the tables and took over the Elves and killed most of them by the use of thrusting their axe handles into the pootbox of the Elves. Most Elves were allergic to this act thus it killed them.

During the time periods the Dwarves were free of getting fudge packed they were a powerful group of people and were rich with rare types of metal, ore, and cocaine. They stuck with cocaine and couldn't keep up with the demand of their dealers so Middle Earth sodomized them for not producing enough. Ultimately the Dwarves were killed though because they smelled like cabbage.

These Dwarves have tight little asses

by The Informant99 January 7, 2012

82πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


A southern term for taking a shit or dropping a duece so to speak. Technically slamming means a massive shit, which in most cases is painful to experience. Due to the fried diet of the south, most slams have large amounts of screaming, moaning, crying, praying, and begging. Many who experience such slams change religions 2 or 3 times and in some cases have even found Waldo during the ordeal. Throughout most of the slam the one taking the slam, also called the slammer, will have slam material better known as reading material to occupy the duration of the painful event. 80% of the time this slam material will consist of up-to-date sports information and news. Though everyone has to live through painful shits it's mostly males who get the brunt of this force. More often than not, males who take slams will have socks on and will keep their phone within an arms reach incase the fire department or medical assistance is needed. It is estimated 1/3 of slammers hallucinate and/or black out due to the amount of pressure put on the rectum and anus.

Wow, I can't believe this guy is slamming in my girlfriend's bathroom.

by The Informant99 January 4, 2012

141πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


A kingdom of Middle Earth in the parallel dimension and world to ours. Known for its castle with a pointy cliff tower thing which looks like a mashed in adams apple, it peers in sight to Mordor. Giving the history between the two kingdoms alot of people who lived on the border close to Mordor would have to sacrifice a greased up tea cup pig, a 3 legged goat, and stomp a smurf in order to get Gondor to protect them. Once Gondor received these gifts they would send 1 Calvary company. If 2 smurfs were stomped then they would send the entire Calvary Division. No one understands the hatred Gondor had of smurfs but it was there nonetheless.

While the Elves sodomized the Dwarves, Gondor did the same to the Hobbits. They used Hobbits for underground sex slave trades. They also forced Hobbits and Dwarves to mate to produce an unholy offspring called Dwarbbits to use as a work force. Dwarbbits couldn't speak so it was Gondor's loop hole around labor laws of that time.

All of Middle Earth had a grudge on Gondor though because they were the reason for Mordor coming back to power in the first place. Kings of Gondor were known for giving in to peer pressure. Also, the Kings had a fettish with shiny objects and didn't like to lose jewelry which is how Middle Earth got so F'd up to begin with.

The Kingdom of Gondor made money off the sex slave trade.

by The Informant99 January 7, 2012

87πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Tiny people, not to be confused as midgets, who lived in the parallel world and dimension to ours known as Middle Earth. These people were small but ironically had big feet which in turn was the reason why Gondor used them for underground sex slave trading because big feet means big penis. Many Hobbits were sodomized by people in Gondor and Rohan. Because the males had a dick the size of a cucumber they were used as displays at sex orgies. It was estimated at one point about 92% of households in Gondor had atleast 1 Hobbit used for sexual pleasures and fantasies.

Hobbits were forced to ride the shit out of Dwarves infront of people and farm pigs. This was done to create a new breed of man animals called Dwarbbits which were patented by Gondor and used as a work force.

Hobbit's Masters would get drunk and molest them. At times they were forced to punch into the rectum and anus of their Masters and Lords. This was the starting point of what is known as fisting today. During that time a Hobbit would fist into the pootbox of their Masters they would also have to squeal like a piglet and shit in a cup. Once a week they had to hunt down smurfs and catch them to either kill them or stick them up inside the shit factory of their Masters to tickle the inside of their rectum and anus.

Hobbits look weird as hell with those big feet!

by The Informant99 January 14, 2012

112πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


A half ratarded claymation humanoid ape beast which is the spawn of a Hobbit and a Dwarf. They were used mostly as a work force by the Kingdom of Gondor. They fed mostly on horse shit so it was a great cost affective way for Gondor to clean the streets of piles of shit. Dwarbbits were incapable of speech so they were not considered equal.

A group were gathered into a boxing stage and were given 2 geese for payment for cleaning up the streets of the river city. The attempt was to thank them but the result ended up being a barbaric beating and slaughter of all but one Dwarbbit. The surviving Dwarbbit managed to kill the others by beating them all to death with a goose. Thus Gander Match was born and was the main source of income for Gondor for 100 years. This betting on Dwarbbits armed with geese became the forfront to the cock and dog fights of today.

The mortality rate was shocking. Because they were such dumbasses they'd sleep alot face first in the mud and drown. Also, there was a high percentage which would jump off the castle walls. At first it was thought as successful suicides but later found out the Dwarbbits were chasing shiny reflections off the walls. It was noted they weren't smart enough to figure out how to kill themselves.

Dwarbbits are a great way to make easy cash with gambling.

by The Informant99 January 7, 2012

55πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hot Potato Halo Mary

The act of throwing a hail mary grenade pass at the surviving teammate of a Hot Potato at the start of a Halo Reach match on Xbox Live while saying "and he goes for the hail mary!" on the headset piece. Originating in Jan 2011 in North Alabama, this move has pissed off thousands who play Halo Reach. 80% of the time this move works and the targeted teammate is killed. If the 4th teammate is still alive then the hunt and quest begins for killing him. This hunting scenario is called the Halo Rabbit Hunt. Please refer to Hot Potato for events leading up to the Hot Potato Halo Mary to better understand the process which takes place.

That dood survived the hot potato but I got him with the Hot Potato Halo Mary!

by The Informant99 January 5, 2012

42πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hot Potato

A grenade move formed for Halo Reach. Origin, North Alabama Dec of 2010. Hot Potato has touched the hearts of thousands who play Halo Reach. Mostly done while guys are having a drunken Halo night.

The actual move of Hot Potato is as followed. You & 3 buddies start playing Halo Reach. Technically it's 3 including yourself but a good rotation with 4 + is always a thriller. 3 of you & 1 unfortunate soul on a team is the actual plan. Once the game starts, turn towards the middle of your team & say "Hot Potato" with your headset on & throw grenades on the ground & everyone dies with the game saying "betrayal, betrayal". All 3 of you do this while the 4th innocent victim is confused. Everyone starts up in the same spot again, thus Hot Potato continues. After 2 or 3 times the 4th guy starts to pick up on it & by that time the game has sent him a message giving the choice to boot you. Most of the time boots are around the 2nd & 3rd time. In some cases the 4th player will try to kill you while cursing over the microphone in an unhealthy rage. Point out too him it's only a game & his mother would enjoy your Hot Potato if she answers your booty call. This will cause him to make threats but it's better for him to say he is going to beat your ass over Xbox Live than for him to beat the shit out of his girlfriend.

If by an act of God 1 of you & the 4th player survives the event then a hail mary grenade pass to the 4th player is a follow up. This combination, Hot Potato Halo Mary.

Holy shit, this guy and his friends did a Hot Potato at the beginning of the game on Halo Reach!

by The Informant99 January 5, 2012

57πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž