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Back in Starcraft this was the command to exit out of game. Friends will then say, "Aww! You QQ'd!" This will later spawn the crying face with the tears.

Dude, why did you alt+Q+Q out of the game?!

by The Lemur May 27, 2008

16👍 20👎


When a reverend masturbates.

The altar boy feels fortunate that he never saw Reverend Smith reverbate.

by The Lemur May 7, 2021

1👍 1👎


Originally coming from Dungeons and Dragons where players would need to roll dice to generate character stats and attributes. The term later was incorporated when making a new character in MMORPGS.

I'm gonna reroll a Cleric for my friend's campaign.

by The Lemur May 27, 2008

61👍 14👎