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1. Zeeha is a name of Latin origin from the words zee (professor of) and ha(ageless expression of surprise).

2. A Zeeha has been known as someone that is intriguing and entertaining with quick witty humor making them fun to be around.

3 Due to charismatic qualities Zeeha has become synonymous with "dude".

Hey broza, It was cool hangin' out with ya, Ur a Zeeha.
.....yea, but you already knew that.

by The Man Himself 101 January 11, 2013

11👍 3👎


A cute little man. A "prettyboy" worker on a construction site or in a factory that is kept around because of his good looks and desirable little girl-like physique. The websters purpose is to act as the recipient of the aggression of the common workers and to act as a modern day peg boy.

Damn, the boss has me all stressed out. I think I'm gonna go pump a load into the webster during lunch break.

by The Man Himself 101 November 10, 2012

105👍 50👎