Source Code

horse fight

When two horses battle to the death like the savage beasts they are.

Craig, look at that sick ass horse fight! Those horses are fucking each other up.

by The Mayne October 13, 2007

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

lawss in da sauss

To be struggling in the southern regions of America.

Mayne if you can't git yo kids nutin for Crimuhh . . . you lawss in da sauss!

- Crunchy Black

by The Mayne October 13, 2007

bawss mayne

The ultimate human being. To be a bawss mayne means you are a bawss in all aspects of life and have the respect of every other living creature. You are loved by all, yet feared by all because of the great power you hold as a bawss mayne. To be a bawss mayne is the closest one can get to achieving perfection.

Crunchy Black is a true bawss mayne.

Mayne, that mayne with the gold in his mouf is a bawss mayne. I wish I could be him, but I'm just a normal mayne.

by The Mayne October 13, 2007

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Soulja Boy's sidekick. He is also next to blow up on Collipark music.

I'mma pass to Arab. I'mma pass to Arab.

by The Mayne October 13, 2007

49πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

smell like money

1. The achievement of the ultimate level of freshness where everything one does generates revenue.
2. To actually smell like US currency.

Three Six Mafia speaks on how they smell like money on the song "Smell Like Money"

I look, I feel, I smell like money.

Ay that mayne is a bawss. And he smell like money. I admire him greatly.

by The Mayne October 13, 2007

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


To quit on a team and sulk. Taken from NBA basketball player and ex-Laker Smush Parker.

We're busting our asses trying to meet this deadline and Gary isn't doing shit. He's totally Smushing right now. I'm going to go fuck his wife and then laugh at him. We will ask him to never join us again once this is over.

by The Mayne October 13, 2007

4πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


The way Crunchy Black says "Christmas."

If you can't git yo kids nuttin fo Crimuhh . . . you lawss in da sauss.

by The Mayne October 13, 2007