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So ridiculously retarded that it deserves its own word.

"Josh thinks America is a democracy."
"Man, that's ridicutarded."

by The New Lizard King September 9, 2009

8👍 2👎

Jew Twist

1. When a jewish guy puts his giant jew nose in a woman's orifice and then twists her nipples while they both scream yiddish phrases like "mazel tov" and "shalom."

2. Same as above, but replace Jew nose with a menorah.

Sammie: Hey, Caitlin, how was your date with Mr. Goldstein last night?
Caitlin: It was the best lay EVER! He gave me the jew twist and a cleveland steamer!
Sammie: I'm going to go vomit now.

by The New Lizard King July 23, 2010

5👍 3👎

Facebook Roulette

Randomly clicking on friends of friends until you get back to someone you know.

Joe: Instead of studying for the exam, I got plastered and played facebook roulette for 3 hours.
Jose: You're retarded.

by The New Lizard King December 16, 2009

23👍 3👎


A group of mentally challenged individuals.

Pride is to lion as corky is to retard.

by The New Lizard King May 1, 2012

18👍 36👎