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DEFN: Severely Limited Intellectual Capacity

Dual Meaning: 1) derogatory or Offensive or 2) explain a human physical condition
1) Someone is seriously annoying your friend "Hey Slic! would you just leave my friend Sabrina alone?! She can't help the fact that she has a wooden ankle/foot!

2) Hi teacher, my son is slic so he will need some extra help understanding the material and assistance developing his social skills.

by The Pharmacological Gypsy April 19, 2023


DEFN: Severely Limited Intellectual Capacity

Dual Meaning: 1) derogatory or Offensive or 2) explain a human physical condition
1) Someone is seriously annoying your friend "Hey Slic! would you just leave my friend Sabrina alone?! She can't help the fact that she has a wooden ankle/foot!

2) Hi teacher, my son is slic so he will need some extra help understanding the material and assistance developing his social skills.

by The Pharmacological Gypsy April 19, 2023