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When the canon ships your one true pairing (OPT).

Ex 1: "Yes! Finally! They got together! SAIL!" *wheezes*
Ex 2: "They're so cute together! I hope they sail."

by The Quiz-Trivian-Naire December 10, 2017

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1.) A mask worn to a masquerade ball or party, usually worn with a killer costume.
2.) Short for masquerade.

She wore the most beautiful masque; it matched her costume well and she looked like a faery.

by The Quiz-Trivian-Naire July 12, 2015


An event or party of sorts where participants hold or wear masques (yes, masquerade masques), props, and most of the time, more favorably, costumes. Think of it as a game, where whoever can keep there identity hidden the longest wins. According to some experts, masquerade balls were a feature of the Carnival season in the 15th century, and involved increasingly elaborate allegorical Royal Entries, pageants and triumphal processions celebrating marriages and other events of late medieval court life. They became popular throughout main Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, sometimes with fatal results. Masquerade balls were sometimes set as a game among the guests. Obviously, the masked guests were supposedly dressed so as to be unidentifiable. This would create the "game" to see if a guest could determine each other's identities. It added a humorous effect to many masques and parties, and enabled a more enjoyable version of typical balls. It's basically as a circus or Halloween party, although, they're thrown pretty much anytime of year. It's an interesting twist because there are so many themes you can pick, it's impossible to be bored (but if the theme's not your style, don't show up). They're also known as a masquerade party or a masquerade ball.

People should throw masquerades more often. Those are real parties!

by The Quiz-Trivian-Naire November 24, 2014

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reverse racism

Using stereotypes of your own race to your advantage.

Contrary to popular belief, the phrase is often referred to someone of a minority being racist against a race of majority. This is in fact ordinary racism. Reverse racism is almost just the opposite, where one uses the typical stereotypes of their race to weed out of dangerous or complicated situations while elevating themselves in society.

"It is commonly known athletes take their sports seriously. It is reverse racism to assume you will be better paid or receive better scholarships because of your race."

by The Quiz-Trivian-Naire October 14, 2016

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hammered and nailed

1.) To have a impenetrable crush on someone, only to be screwed over by them, usu. for their benefit/spite.
2.) To get screwed over.
3.) To be decked in the face; to get the sh!t beaten out of you (owned/pwned).
4.) To get arrested for something you didn't do, or while drunk/high KNOWING you won't pass a drug test.
5.) To be dumped in the most humiliating, heart-shattering, disrespectful, reputation-ruining scene, after you've devoted all the love, maybe even your body, you could manage to them.
6.) To get screwed, literally, and they feel nothing for you and they get up and leave after a "good fu@k."
7.) To walk the walk of shame (not the one that you own).
8.) To wake up in a roadside ditch (Don't. I won't know where to find you).
9.) To have gambling problems and not realize till it's too late. Everything you own is someone else's via gaming debts.
10.) To wake up someplace, a stranger lying with you in/on a bed/couch. The stench of alcohol on your breath stings your nostrils as a migraine from a hangover/withdrawal pounds your head. First reaction: "Oh, holy he!l!?!" Second reaction: "I gotta get out of here!" so you try to gather your clothes and other sh!t and beat it out of there silently without a trace before someone realizes YOU're the loser--YOU're the fool everyone'll talk about tomorrow.
11.) To get tore up by CinemaSins. They're not very nice.
12.) See trashed.
13.) To be laid up; physically wrecked

1.) "Has Angie stopped crushing on him yet? She knows he's taking advantage of her! He humiliated her!"

"No, she's still hammered and nailed to him, poor girl."

2.) "Anthony's not your friend."

"Prove it."

"Remember that sweat jacket from Disneyland you let him borrow?"


"It's on eBay for $2K"


3.) "You as&hole!" (decks other guy in the face--BLAM!)

"OH, MY GAWD! My face! Fu@k!"

4.) (Well, I told you)

Scenario 1:
Cop: "hands in the air now!"

You: "What'd I do?"

Cop: "shut it ...(Miranda rights)..."

You: (get arrested)

5.) Have some chocolate ice cream; it will fix everything (hopefully).

6, 10.) "Were you at the party last night?"

"Yeah, but I didn't like it so much. Let's not talk about it."

"Neither do I. I heard some little s!ut got hammered and nailed by Tommy there."




"That was YOU?!"

7.) (sigh)

8.) You hear traffic wake up from sleeping on your face and you spit dirt out of your mouth. "Whoa!" (Again, don't call me. I don't know.)

9.) Whoops! I hope you have a good job!

11.) See the movie.

12.) See trashed

13.) See a doctor.

by The Quiz-Trivian-Naire March 10, 2017

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pass the bar

1. To survive
2. To "make the cut"
3. To pass the bar exam for becoming a lawyer
4. You get the idea

1. "Who will stay on reality shows all depends on who passes the bar. Anyone else will be eliminated."

2. "If I call your name, you've passed the bar--go grab a jersey. Anyone else, well, there's always next year."

3. Cop: "...and your licenced to practice law in the state of New York?"

Desk-job Girl: "I passed the bar... three days ago."

-Tower Heist, 2011

4. I think I gave you enough examples for "pass the bar."

by The Quiz-Trivian-Naire October 26, 2013

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I forgot what I wanted to search

Forget something? Well, most likely, what you're trying to search is something you just heard or read a few seconds to a few hours ago. I'd start by backtracking on what you've done or been involved in. Hope this helps!

"Help! I forgot what I wanted to search!"

1. What's the last article/page you were on?
2. What site was it?
3. What was your last converstion about?
4. Where were you last?/Where were you going?

by The Quiz-Trivian-Naire October 26, 2013

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