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knee high to a grasshopper

being very young or back when you where just a kid. possibly intending that someone is short.

"back when i was knee high to a grasshopper, we where never careful."
"your about knee high to a grasshopper arent you?"

by The Rye Guy April 23, 2008

75👍 10👎


a number that relates to all numbers or to mean any number or amount that you so choose

"Yea we have about 11D4 damn messages on my phone."

by The Rye Guy April 23, 2008

2👍 2👎


when your on a first date or a blind date with a girl and you dont intend on taking it any further than that night and you end up having sex with her that night

"so how did your date go whith amy last night?"
"oh pretty good i guess."
"so did you go into overtime?"

by The Rye Guy April 23, 2008

5👍 9👎