Source Code

lane drifting

On a multi-lane road (usually a highway or mainstreet), lane drifting is when a car suddenly begins 'drifting' over the lanes, usually because the driver isn't paying attention, or cannot see the lanes because they aren't painted well enough.

Usually they'll hover between two lanes, going the speed limit, and holding up traffic in both lanes.

I was stuck going 65 because the guy infront of me was lane drifting between the left lane and center lane, and was apparently oblivious to the chorus of car horns being layed upon him.

by The Sub March 2, 2005

suprise car

A car with no working brake lights (including the ones in the windshield too). When this car comes to a stop, it may suprise you, especially if the driver is a hard braker.

Sadly, sometimes hard braking is intentional if the driver knows his brake lights are out. If you rear end a car, you are always at fault, no matter what.

I kept an eye on the suprise car infront of me, I think the shady foreigner inside was trying to get a cheap screwjob.

by The Sub February 25, 2005

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

rush hour

1) A movie starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker.

2) Evening hours when the roads begin to get congested like a fat man's arteries. Usually starts around 4 and ends at 8, reaching total gridlock at 5. Drivers during these hours seem to be more concerned with not letting you get infront of them in lane switches (by speeding up alongside of you) than their own wellbeing. They also don't want to wait more than 3 milliseconds to take a left turn even when there is oncoming traffic. Even if they broke a hundred traffic laws to get there, drivers still seem to obey the speed limit when they are the first car in traffic, while everyone else is tailgating. Argh.

1) Rush Hour was funny.

2) Rush hour is not funny.

by The Sub February 17, 2005

63πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


1) A person who bites during tough sex.
2) A musical artist who copies lyrics from other artists.

1) Damn, that bitch is a biter.
2) Jay-Z

by The Sub February 4, 2005

469πŸ‘ 344πŸ‘Ž


A type of every day civilian that forms menial tasks around the city. They are usually low class in wealth, and are very unkept in appearance. Shaggy or greasy hair, bad skin, and odor are usually found around mutants. They can be found driving a city bus, handing out parking tickets, or cleaning up government facilities.

I saw a mutant trying to write a ticket for my car because it was parked 3 minutes over the hour limit, so I told him to get the fuck outta there.

by The Sub February 16, 2005

4πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


The cause of blowing a four game lead in the AL Championship Series to a wild-card team with a much lower payroll.

The New York Yankees were choking hard in the 2004 ALCS.

by The Sub January 31, 2005

54πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


An everyday, unknown face. A civilian is the person infront of you who is obeying the speed limit. A civilian is the fellow at the pizza joint who is looking at you and your friends like you're in the middle of a cocaine deal. A civilian is a person at a party who nobody except like 2 people know, and they may or may not be cock blocking. You can love em or hate em, but you can never get rid of civilians.

I walked into the basketball game, and all the civilians on the bleachers were looking at me because I was in my dress blue uniform.

by The Sub February 16, 2005

58πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž