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Convenient Amnesia

*noun* (until someone starts doing it too much, then it changes to a verb) pronounced kun-veen-nunt am-nee-shia

1. Pretty much whenever a certain someone/something is wrong (which is plentiful), he/she/it retracts by saying something totally asinine to cover himself/herself/itself up and try to still prove that he/she/it is right. Basically used to being remembered facts to twist reality.
2. Forgetting certain facts of an area to twist things so you cannot be proven wrong.

*Circa 1999, Location; Phoenix area Best Buy*
Milo: Bro, I've been waiting 18 years for this new Star Wars film to come out! You as excited as I am?
Conner: Yeah! I've been a huge fan my whole life!
Milo: I hear they're introducing a whole bunch of new characters, new Jedi's, a young Anakin Skywalker, and they introduced his mother Shmi (pronounced shmee)
Conner: Naw bro, her name is shimmy
Milo: I just looked at the book that we sell here and its spelled S H M I and phonetically it sounds out shmee
Conner: Yeah, but is pronounced shimmy
*argument ensues for several months*
*premiere night for Phantom Menace arrives*
Qui Gon Jinn: Hello, my name is Qui Gon Jinn
Shmi: My name is Shmi (pronounced shmee) Skywalker
*Milo looks at Conner and smiles. Also see getting palled*
*several years later*
Conner: Incorrect! No bro, it was episode II, 2002, AND it was you who thought it was shimmy!
Milo: Wow, convenient amnesia!! But here is where your argument is flawed broseph. Don't you think by episode 2 I would have known her name was pronounced shmee?

Tony: Dude, me n my boy were talking about the transformers sound and when it happens in the movie vs. when it happens in the cartoon.
Conner: Its when Barricade transforms in the beginning.
Tony: No way, that was Blackout. Blackout is the helicopter.
Conner: No, Barricade is the helicopter.
Tony: Let's look it up.
*after a quick few keystrokes on the interweb*
Tony: There it is. Blackout is the helicopter. You just got palled son.
Conner: Whatever, I never said he wasn't
Tony: Wow. What Convenient Amnesia!

by The Tang Bang Crew May 23, 2008

31👍 1👎


*verb* pronounced coss-tah-sing

1. To hold an alcoholic drink for an inordinate amount of time.
2. To pretend to be drinking hoping no one sees that your alcoholic drink has been at the same level for a minimum of at least 40 minutes.
3. Challenging others to drinking contests in hope that they are too drunk to see you haven't been drinking at all.

Also see "Nursing"

Conner: "Dude, come on chump. Man up and just down that beer already!"
Milo: "Screw you bro! Don't challenge a Beerlympic champion when you've been kostasing your beer all night!"

by The Tang Bang Crew May 20, 2008

49👍 4👎


*noun* pronounced ay-tee-em

1. To describe a filthy woman of loose morals.
2. A ghastly snaggle toothed woman that sleeps with anything breathing and some that are not.

*verb* pronounced ay-tee-em

1. The act of getting back at your friends while they are trying to break the two jackals filled with pent up sexual desire up.
2. Throwing the whore on the bathroom floor and inserting the cock in the ass, and then letting her lick the filthy juices of cum and ass off your cock, clean style.

Kerp: I heard Conner made a deposit at the ATM.

Milo: Did you hear he pulled an ATM on us in the RV, again!

Milo: Wow, on the trip back home, that's all she could talk about was the ATM action she got!

by The Tang Bang Crew May 20, 2008

33👍 30👎


*verb* pronounced paul-d

1. To completely own someone, in every aspect possible.
2. To consistently prove someone wrong time and time again.
3. Complete and utter humiliation of an opponent who does not understand when he/she is wrong.
4. To mean 10 times great of ownage that moded

1. Milo: "Dude, the Romertionary is as legit as the Urban Dictionary.
Kerp: "Damn, Conner just got palled!"

2. Text message "I had a chance to have a three some the other day. I couldn't because I'm dating someone"
3. Milo: Wow, I can't believe I just got that text. He got palled.

by The Tang Bang Crew May 15, 2008

36👍 4👎

Tang Bang

Legend has it, the sweet juice of the tang was molested and palled by the infamous late M.Rick Romero in plastic jugs which once housed the life juice, and replaced by gallons of Vodka and other mixtures. Used for the purpose of a cognac, The Tang Bang, as if will be referred to here on out, was primarily used in the Salt River, located near Phoenix, Arizona. As time grows and people spread apart, it has been seen located in parts of Los Angeles and Las Vegas, although currently mainly housed in the great south west party destinations. Although the exact recipe would never be revealed outside the core group, the pictures it produces apparently have . . . .

"We're going down to the Salt River, so make sure you bring some Tang Bang"

"Damn, I would have never done half that shit if it wasn't for that stupid Tang Bang."

by The Tang Bang Crew May 15, 2008

38👍 10👎

Connerotic Asphyxiation

*noun* pronounced: con-er-rot-ic ass-fik-see-ay-shun

01. Dying of suffocation from banging a fat chick.

02. (Medical) - Chemicals such as carbon monoxide that
prevent the blood from carrying sufficient oxygen to the brain and other organs causing oxygen starvation of tissues leading to death as a result of performing sexual intercourse with a morbidly obese female.

1.Milo: “Did you hear what happened to Jay the other day?”
Papa Tony: “Naw what happened?”
Milo: “He was eating out a fat chick and her gunt enclosed in on him…he died of Connerotic Asphyxiation.”

2. Kerp:(Text message): "I got this text From Conner last night - ‘I had a chance to have a three some the other day. I couldn't because I'm dating someone"
Caesar:(Text message): “We should be happy for him, surely he would’ve died from Connerotic Asphyxiation from those two fat chicks.”

by The Tang Bang Crew May 19, 2008

39👍 7👎