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Why are you even searching for the sun what are you STUPID? You don't know what the sun is??????? WE'VE LEARNED THIS SINCE A BABY JUST A BIG O' BALL IN THE SKY HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW??? MAN I'M DONE WITH YOU JUST SCROLL UP GO GO GO GOOO!!!!!!!

YOU: ''hEy uU oVeR dARe i dOnT kNow wHAt dA sUN iS cAnzZ uUu tEachEs mEeeeeH oR naAh'' ME: The sun is basically a big ball of stay in school you idiot

by The Teen That Makes Meanings April 20, 2021

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AK-47, Mac-11, Glocks, and 9's

This is an lyric from YNW MELLY's ''Murder On My Mind'' it's pretty good song if I must say myself, it's probably available everywhere.

Teacher: Class, what's 118-71? Quiet Kid: That's AK-47, MAC-11 GLOCKs, AND 9's. 15 Students: Hey, I think we'll head out, oh what's that mom? Oh you got my sandwich well, sorry guys gotta go! Teacher: Oh. Okay, have a good day? Principal: What's going on in here I got an alert saying we've got a kid with guns? Teacher: Oh, yes it was that kid right there! Quiet Kid: AK-47, Mac-11, Glocks, and 9's. Oink Oink: Nah my guy you are out of here that's it!! You going to jail today!! Quiet Kid Whispers: AK-47, Mac-11, Glocks, and 9's.

by The Teen That Makes Meanings April 21, 2021

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A fun 'toy' for small children and teens, if you can call it a 'toy' but it has a extremely bad dark side of this object, now this 'object' is pretty fun to ride around on pause, but you ever just grab your scooter and swing it? But you don't want to actually hurt yourself but it doesn't anyways straight PURE pain on your ankle. Forget breaking bones or giving birth now this is the worst thing for anybody if you have felt that you know that the scooter is built of STRONG MATERIAL THAT IS BUILT TO PURE SEND STRAIGHT STRONG PAIN WAVES THROUGH OUT YOUR LEG IF YOU SWING IT!

Me: Hey, you ever feel the pain of a scooter my guy? Friend: Of course forget birth that HURTS!!

by The Teen That Makes Meanings April 20, 2021

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On My Block

On My Block is an 'Original Netflix', it's rated TV-14 any teen can watch it to be honest...but things get weird with Monte and Caesar after they had well...''intercourse'' see I've told you ask your parent really weird stuff. It has gangs I don't know the other gang name, they just wear green bandanas and the Santos don't wear a specific ''gang color'' which I don't recall, but their pretty Gangsta. It's a pretty good show go ahead and watch it! Thirteen year olds and older only.

ME: Hey, you ever watched 'On My Block'? Friend: Oh, yeah I've seen that show on Netflix it was pretty sad, messed up, weird, and overall crazy, but it's the best 'Original Netflix' show you'll probably ever watch for the age of us.

by The Teen That Makes Meanings April 20, 2021

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King Von

King Von is an Chicago rapper, from O block since he's an B.D. (Black Disciples) one of the most dangerous, well known, largest gangs in Chicago. The Chicago rapper 'died' on November 6th 2020 from an set-up by 'Lil Durk, which is why I don't listen to 'Lil Durk or Quando Rondo, and I'm sure you're aware of the Music Industry so you know it was a sacrifise. Most people now N' days know about the dark side of the industry so I don't see no point of them trying to say ''It's not true'' even rappers told millions of their fans that it's true. So, stop.

Person 1: You heard about King Von's tragic death? Person: 2 Ooh, yeah of course I did it had to be a blood sacrifise or something since to many people know about the industry.

by The Teen That Makes Meanings April 21, 2021

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