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(noun) A purple, green speckled ooze that is released from you when you overwork your jooece pouch (also known as the sack).

(verb) To cleanse your jooece pouch (also known as the sack) so that you can take shits without being in alot of pain.

(adjective) Describing something purple, green speckled, and that comes out of your ass.

(noun) Oh no! My jooce is leaking out of my ass again!

(verb) I bet if i jooce, I won't be constipated.

(adjective) That jooce shit is looking very hard today.

by The Vriech Crew July 8, 2006

4👍 18👎


Jeezu is a larger quantity of jooece after it goes through the solidifying process and becomes a type of...SAND.

*knock* *knock*
Reply: "MAN WHAT THE FUCK!!! I told you I am having jeezu, not jooece; it will take much longer!!!"

by The Vriech Crew August 10, 2006

1👍 8👎